Who Knew?

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---------------------Aika's way-------------------------


"Oh. My. God." Aika sighs


"What's up with you?" her little brother, Martin asks "Ewwww.... did you guys like, make out?"


"Gross! No! Disgusting!"


"How was it?" Aika's mother asks


"It was... okay. I'm going to bed now, it's kind of late". Aika ran upstairs and leaped on her bed, then started talking to herself.


"HE kissed me.... he KISSED me.... he kissed ME. That didn't just happen" she smiles at the ceiling "It just happened"


------------------------- James' Way ------------------------------


"Hi guys" James says as he entered the house


"Hi" Jack says


"Do anything... special tonight?" William asks


"You guys know I went on a date" James says


"Yeah, we know" Zane says


"It's just that we kind of noticed you have a bit of lipgloss on your lips" Edward says, smiling mischievously


"What?" James says wiping his mouth "What lipgloss?"


"Alright, nothing hapened to you. ABSOULTELY normal night" says Jack, unbelievingly


"Exactly" James agrees "NOTHING''. James walks into his bedroom and lock the door.

Minutes later, James heard a pounding on his door.


"JAMES!!!" He heard William and Jack shout on the other side of the door. He hesitantly got up and answered the door.


"What? It's one in the morning!!" he exclaimed, still rubbing his eyes.


"We want the dirt" William smirked.


"What dirt?" 


"The date" Jack smirked


"What about it?" 


"EVERYTHING!" Jack and Wiliam said in unison




"We want to know what was up with the lipgloss on your lips" William said while waggling his eyebrows.


"Ugh! Fine." He explained the whole date, he stopped at the kiss.


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