Chapter 6

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Andy spent the entire day working with Nick, he could tell she was really quiet and something was up with her. She told him more than once it's just family stuff. He wanted to help and it was just making her annoyed. She couldn't wait for this day to be over.

When they got back to the station. Frank waved her into his office and she went up there.

"Your paper work is in. Andy, 3 weeks is a long time." Frank questioned.

"I figured some some time with the family and then some beach time, easier to take all the vacation at once." She shrugged. Frank nodded and signed the paper work handing it back to her.

"Thanks Frank." She said heading down to HR to hand in the forms.

"Can we talk?" She heard Sam come up from behind her.

"I'm really busy right now Sam, paperwork and have to run to see my dad." Andy told him not wanting to deal with him or his girlfriend right now.

"You seemed friendly with the pretty biker." Sam continued without caring that Andy was in a rush. Andy rolled her eyes.

"Sam, your girlfriend was bringing innocent people and locking them up for no reason and screwing up cases. You were there, heard what Frank said."

"That all it was?" Sam said suspiciously.

"Yep." Andy said shortly. "I gotta go. See ya." She said as she took off for the locker room to get dressed. She really wasn't lying about her dad, she had to tell him where she was headed and it wasn't a conversation she was going to enjoy.

She avoided Tracy in the locker room wanting her to go to the Penny, and again Nick outside wanting her to go to the Penny. She told them both she was headed to her dads, and both seem to have believed it.

It was actually the truth this time.

"Hi dad," Andy said kissing his cheek and coming in.

"Andy, wasn't expecting you today." Tommy told her.

"I know, there's some things I need to tell you"

"I'm not going to like this am I?" Tommy said knowing the look on his daughters face and knowing his daughter and the look on her face.

"Opie was here." Andy blurted out watching her father close his eyes and sit down.

"I knew, I was not going to like this." He said before shaking his head and continuing. "What was he here for, where is he now?"

"He and Jax were on a ride, some kind of delivery."

"Jax, Jax too, this is getting better and better." Tommy muttered. Andy ignored her father's commentary and continued.

"Marlo went on a power kick, it was a routine stop but she dragged them both in to check for outstanding warrants she said. Put them in holding until they had to get a lawyer to get out. Frank also was pissed at her for giving the division a black eye like that."

"Where is my nephew now?" Tommy asked, worried about Opie although they weren't that close because of their opposing occupations. He and Piney had their battles over it.

"He and Jax are supposed to be gone. They said they were leaving this morning and I'm going to Charming at the end of the week." She added at the end.

"Like hell you are!" Tommy yelled and stood up. "You're not going back to that place."

"Dad, I'm going to visit Uncle Piney, I want to see Opie's kids, spend time with them. I missed Donna's funeral I want to spend some time with the family."

"Donna died because of them! Because she was Opie's wife. That's what you want? To go back there with your woman of crow tattoo and go back to being Jax Teller's Old Lady? That's what you want?"

"What I want is to go away for a couple weeks and spend some time with my family. I need some time away from here."

"This is Swarek's doing! You running from him?"

"No, this isn't about Sam. This is about me. Me wanting to go and find myself again. I need to just be Drea McNally for awhile and not your daughter helping you, or Sam's ex, or 15th division undercover girl. I just need some time out of this to be me."

"Are you coming back?" Tommy said quietly looking down at her as he still stood. Tommy never understood he fascination with Jax Teller. Yes he was good looking but that was it. He was a biker killer, he never understood his daughters love for that entire lifestyle. Loving all of them and helping them cover up shootings and get away with gun smuggling. For some reason she saw a heart of gold behind that leather Jax Teller wore.

Andy hesitated in answering and Tommy knew that wasn't good. She was considering rejoining that life and Andy being a cop, she was probably thinking of just being a cop in Charming who is on SAMCRO's side like Chief and many other cops.

"Dad, I never would have came back had it not been for you needing me here. I'm glad I came to help you get better, helped you be a new person, watch you fall in love with a great lady, but may be it's time for me to be the person I was on track to be before you called me back? I don't know. I know I have a few weeks off, I'm going to California for a little while and then I am coming back."

"Just you don't know if when you come back you're staying or you're just packing up your stuff to take back with you to go shack up with Jax Teller." Tommy muttered knowingly.

"I don't know, I do know I need to go back to Charming. That's all I know right now and don't forget that when I was shacking up with Jax Teller as you put it I was a straight A student about to graduate with honors. When I was here, I wasn't going to school at all. I was ditching everyday and when I returned I was devastated and fell back into that pattern. Please support me in this dad." Andy asked of her father.

"I'll miss you." Tommy said sitting down next to Andy and taking her hand. Resigning himself to the fact she was right. She may have became a gang members old lady, but she also cleaned up her act. Went to school everyday, worked part time, baby-sat, she wasn't a lost angry girl while she was there. She was somewhere she felt she belonged.

"I'll miss you too Daddy." She said turning to hug him.

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