Chapter 19

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"Uncle Piney!" Andy squeeled as she came into the backyard with Jax right behind her. She ran over to her uncle, hugging him tightly.

"So good to see you." He whispered, hugging his niece back. He never had a daughter, Andy was the closest thing he had. Opie disappointed him a lot, but never Andy, she walked on water in Piney's eyes.

"Hey, share old man." Clay said slapping Piney on the back.

Andy laughed, letting go of her uncle and looked at Clay smiling.

"Hi Clay."

"Hello sweetheart. Come here." Clay said enveloping her in his arms, another father figure to her that she loved and had missed. "Thank you." He whispered to her, knowing she'd know what he meant. Thank you for having Jax and Opie's back, thank you for telling Jax about the tail in Canada, thank you for telling them about the rat, thank you for saving all of them and their club from what ever charges they could have ended up with from the Feds.

"You don't have to thank me. I'd do anything to keep you guys safe." Andy told him. Pulling back and looking around the back yard. Tig, Chibs and Opie were standing by the table with the beer and liquor. Jax was still behind her, just leaning on the deck porch watching Andy and everyone so happy to see her again.

She ran over to Tigs and he laughed hugging her picking her up, telling her how hot she looked and swung her around. Jax smirked and shook his head before yelling "watch it man!" to him.

"I know i know, she's taken." Tig yelled back as they laughed.

Andy hugged Opie, Bobby,and Chibs. Got herself a beer and sat down with them. They laughed, joked around and caught up with the guys she considered brothers.

"Don't you dare tell me not to mess it up again." Jax smirked as Clay came behind him clapping him on the shoulder as they both watched Andy laugh with the guys.

"Been hearing that a lot have you?" Clay asked with a tint of humor in his voice.

"Once or twice." Jax muttered.

"Well, then I'm not going to tell you anything. Father to son, you're the smartest man I know and I know you don't need anyone to tell you how special that one over there is."


As Clay and Jax watched them all enjoy themselves, Halfsack, Juice and Happy came in behind them.

"Hey bro, gonna introduce us to your old lady?" Juice asked eyeing Andy with wide eyes.

"If you keep looking at her like that, no I'm not. " Jax said slapping him upside the back of the head. As they laughed.

"C'mon." Jax said bringing them over to the rest of the guys and introducing them. Andy was really happy to finally put faces to the names. Hugging all the guys and started talking with them to get to know them.

"Hey, one of you come over here and help." Gemma called coming out with a tray of meat to girl.

Opie and Trig both went over to fire up the bbq and get the food from Gemma. Giving Andy some time with the new guys she didn't know yet.

Piney grabbed some tequila which didn't go unnoticed to Andy.

"Uncle Piney, I see you. Put it down." She yelled over at him which caused the rest of them to laugh at him being caught. Everyone else knew he wasn't supposed to be drinking the hard liquor but none ever called him on it because he just got mad and said he can do what he wanted. However, with Andy he dropped the bottle like it was on fire.

"Oooh Piney's whipped." Juice said laughing, "never saw him drop a drink like that." Juice looked on amazed.

"Yeah, he's scared of Drea." Bobby said. "She's the only one who could whip him in line." Bobby knowing it will be good for Piney's health to have her back around.

"Good to have your girl back, huh?" Clay said coming up to Piney who went for the beer instead. Piney glared at him which made Clay laugh.

"Yeah, it is. Closest to a daughter I have."

"Yeah, me too." Both said observing all the guys around them. Joking, drinking, laughing with Andy.

"Her father is going to hate me."

"She's not going back." Clay stated.

"She's not going back." Piney repeated.

"Oh well, works out good for us and especially my boy." Clay said.

"Yeah, not for me though when her father finds out and calls me up." Piney said not wanting to have that conversation.

"Look at her, look how happy she is. That's worth a yelling match on the phone. Hand the phone to me, when he calls. I'll set him straight." Clay suggested.

"I'm sure, that will help." Piney said rolling his eyes and Clay shrugged.

"What you two talking about over here." Jax said coming up to them.

"How pissed your future-father-in-law is going to be at me when he finds out his little girl isn't coming home." Piney stated. While they all looked over at Andy so care free and happy. They all knew she wasn't going back to Canada for long, she was going to move back. It was just a matter of her saying the words outloud.

Jax just smirked, "give me the phone when he calls." He said as Clay smirked and Piney shook his head at the both of them. "Exactly what I said, my son." Clay said as they clinked their beer bottles together to cheers while Piney shook his head at the two of them muttering "you 2 are exactly alike."

"If he saw her suitcases, he knows already." Jax joked.

"Pack a lot did she?" Clay asked amused.

"Jesus Christ, she has one whole suitcase of just shoes and crap. No clothes, just shoes and other stuff. She never had this much shoes before. It's sitting in the middle of the bedroom open, no idea where we're supposed to put all that."

"Trust I know, my boy. I know." Clay muttered looking over at Gemma directing Tig and Opie over the barbeque.

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