Chapter 15

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Andy and Gemma had been catching up in the kitchen, eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Gemma had been telling her about all the people in town and catching Andy up on some people she knew from highschool and around town.

"Unser's still Chief and his brother Hale, who went to school with you is his deputy." Gemma said. Knowing Andy would want some information on the police force if she wanted to transfer and get a job there. Gemma knew Unser would allow it.

"His douchebag, brother." Jax said as he waltzed into the kitchen dropping a kiss on Andy's lips and then one on his mom's cheek before he went over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup of coffee before jumping to sit on the counter.

"We have chair's you know." Gemma muttered.

"What did Hale do to you?" Andy asked.

"He's got it out for us." Jax said.

"Ah, he's a by the book cop. Not like Unser." Andy said connecting the dots.

"Exactly, he's got some axe to grind. Chip on his shoulder."

"He was always nice to me." Andy shrugged.

"Yeah, he had the hots for you." Jax spat out as Andy rolled her eyes. "I need a shower." He declared as he gave his mom a glare and jumped off the counter to head to the bedroom. Andy could tell he was going to be a grump until he got the sleepiness out of him.

"Speaking of people who have the hots for other people, Tara from your school too is Abel's doctor." Gemma said as she seriously looked at Andy. Andy could tell there was something Gemma wasn't liking about the doctor more than her little crush she used to have on Jax. Andy figured that she had to be over that, same with Hale. They weren't kids anymore. If Hale did have his crush, it was going to make working along side him really uncomfortable along with his disdain for Jax and the rest of the MC.

"I remember her, she was a couple years older than me. She and Hale were the same age. Wow, a doctor good for her."

"Yeah, well she's taken it upon herself to be Abel's primary caregiver even though it's not her job since she's a surgeon. No matter how many times Jax tells her to contact me with questions or reports on Abel. She still uses the baby as a way to contact Jax. I don't like the way she looks at him, I never liked her."

"She's probably just being a careful doctor. I'm going to go to the hospital later to see Abel with Jax, I'll make sure to feel her out."

"Good. Glad to have someone on my team. I tell Jax and he tells me to just deal with it and just rolls his eyes at me. " Gemma said raising her glass. Jax and Gemma were used to girls fawning all over him and thinking he was this rock star in town but this was different, she was a doctor who was not supposed to be using an innocent baby to get laid. "I need to get to TM." Gemma said looking at her watch.

"I'll be back later to help get everything ready for the barbeque. Don't you do a thing, all you need to do is unpack." Gemma sternly told her as she got up.

"I have to do something to help." Andy said looking around and picking up some of the dishes.

"No, this is your welcome home party. You don't lift a finger, go see my grandson and make my son get your bags from your truck. Unpack, that's it. I'll be by with reinforcement help later to get everything ready." She said kissing her cheek and walking out the door.

"You don't have to go to TM?" Andy asked as Jax came back into the kitchen freshly showered and wearing a white SAMCRO t-shirt with his jeans. Andy had been loading up the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and putting the extra breakfast away.

"Nah, not till later. They know not to mess with me today." He said walking right up to her, turning her around to face him before grabbing her face and kissing her like he's wanting to do since last night. She didn't fight him at all, wrapping her hands his his hair as he lifted her up and placed her on the counter, moving to stand in between her legs as she wrapped hers around his waist.

Andy finally pulled back for air, resting her forehead against his. "Been wanting to do that for awhile huh?

"You have no idea." He whispered before kissing her again. Before lifting her off the counter and heading into his bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind him.

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