Chapter 12

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Friday had finally reached. Andy felt like this had been the longest week of her life, her shifts seemed endless. Her paper work never ending and her packing was driving her crazy. She hated airplane weight restrictions.

She finally had everything all packed she wanted to take including some gifts for Abel. She knew he was still not able to play with anything, so she bought clothes and a few toys. She tried to pack all her shoes which didn't work, so she pulled out all the boots except the rain boots.

When she arrived at work that morning she was ready, she was smiling and hoping for a great day. During Parade, Frank announced that she was leaving for vacation and she got an ovation and good byes. Sam still looked sullen, which made Marlo sullen. Nick looked like he still wanted to come along while Gail just gave him the evil eye. Looking around, Andy was realizing she's really ready to leave no work drama for a few weeks. Although she'd probably end up in a shootout within 24 hours of being in California.

"So you're all ready?" Tracy asked as they were dismissed. Andy got Oliver today, which made her happy. She hadn't gotten to spend much time with him and she wanted to before she left.

"All packed and ready to go. Going to run by dad's real quick before I go, run home for my bags and head to the airport."

"What time is your flight?" Nick asked as he and Dov walked up to Tracy and Andy at the coffee machine.


"Wow, that's cutting it close you only have 2 hours after your shift ends when you have to be at the airport plus rush hour traffic. Why didn't you just get a flight for tomorrow morning?" Dov asked.

Andy very well couldn't give the real reason as to why she's working all day, then taking a night flight arriving in the middle of the night, so she made one up.

"I like night flights, makes me sleep and get rest. Nothing else to do on the plane." She shrugged as she finished her and Oliver's coffee and saying she'd see them at the end of their shifts. Getting herself out of the line of questioning.

"Lets hope for an easy day, McNally." Oliver said as they headed out on the road.

"Don't jinx it Oliver, I have to be at the airport 2 hours after my shift ends."

"2 hours, you're cutting it close, in a rush to leave?" He said seriously.


"I wouldn't blame you, he's been an ass, but.." Oliver started before Andy cut him off.

"Oliver, I don't want to hear it."

"He loves you." he continued as Andy rolled her eyes. "I know he has a funny way of showing it, but you made him happy and he hasn't been since. He's been faking it and putting on an act. I see the way he looks at you. He thought you were with Collins and he flipped out when he saw you defended to the point of being written up and talked with the pretty boy biker."

"Jesus Christ, Oliver.." Andy wanting to end this conversation the second Jax got brought up. Oliver looked over at her tone and language. That didn't sound like normal Andy.

"Just while you're away think about things, think about past mistakes made. You're Andy McNally, you don't give up on what you want."

"I know Oliver, I don't." Thinking that she was going to do what Oliver said, but the past mistakes she made that she wanted to fix had nothing to do with Sam at all.

"I've let that go Oliver, Sam made his choices and I have made mine. There's no going back." She told him seriously. "Come on, lunch on me today, a treat for my last day, a gift to you." She told Oliver as Oliver looked at her with a new outlook.

A three week trip, spending time with family that she once lived with for years. He had to wonder if Andy had plans that she wasn't letting anyone else in on. It kind of felt with this offer to buy him lunch she was saying goodbye and that made him sad. He didn't want to lose her, he thought of her as one of his own and if she did leave he had a feeling his best friend was going to take a dark path and realize how much he ruined his own life by dumping Andy.

The end of the day came soon enough, after the initial awkward conversation with Oliver, he let the Sam topic go and they had a fun day patrolling around, picking up the average criminal along the way.

She went to take off her uniform, she had just finished handing in her service weapon to HR. She had her other one, but she wouldn't be able to fly with that. That would have to stay there in her apartment for now. They all had serial numbers anyway Andy thought, they'd be no use to her in Charming.

Gail, Marlo, Tracy, and a few other cops were all in the locker room as she went in to change.

She put on her jeans and a tank top, she had brought her traveling clothes with her to work. Save some time. She had an oversized plain black hoodie sweatshirt in her carry-on bag, along with her big fluffy full size pillow. She wasn't leaving that behind, she was going to use it to sleep on the plane.

"You all set?" Tracy and Gail said as they came up behind her.

"All ready." She smiled. She hugged them both good bye, Tracy a little more than Gail. Gail had been awkward and bitchy around her since the break up with Nick and with Nick following her around like a puppy she had the feeling why. Nick had let their cover story get to his head, which was another reason for her to be going. Nick needed to get over this before he ruined his real life for a fake cover story relationship that never existed.

She thought of saying something to Marlo and then chose against it. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the locker room just nodding at the others. Dov, Chris, and Nick were waiting by the door as she came out. She hugged them all.

"You need anything, call, keep in touch." Nick told her as Gail rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." Andy said.

"Take care of yourselves, she told them all." As she waved and headed towards the exit. She looked back and saw Oliver, Frank, and Sam standing up looking down from the offices none of them looked thrilled. She waved and smiled at all of them and they waved back.

Then she turned back around, took a breath and walked out the door.

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