Chapter 26

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Andy dealing with HR took longer than she thought, by the time she was done and officially signed out and off the Toronto PD, Parade was starting.

She decided to go into Parade for the last time and just stand at the back and catch all her friends when they were on their way out to tell him her news.

She walked in and hung at the back, seeing everyone facing Frank at the front. Sam and Oliver both saw her out of uniform and wondered why that was. Marlo and Nick were partnered together sitting together, then Tracy was to the side on her own. Chloe, Dov, Chris, Gail all sitting around.

Frank noticed Andy was in the room, looked at her and before he finished decided to address her.

"I'd like everyone to give a round of applause for one of the best rookies we've ever had. Today's her last official day at 15 Division before she moves onto a new path and eventually another PD. Andy McNally." He said starting to clap as her friends turned and looked at her in shock. Sam also in disbelief and looking hurt. Oliver looking like he understood, he had figured out something was up before she had left for her trip. The other officers she wasn't close to all stood and clapped and she smiled thanking them. They started filing out, with her friends staying behind.

"What the hell, Andy?" Nick said coming up to her. Not understanding where this announcement was coming from.

"Andy, what's going on?" Tracy asked. Tracy figured something was going on with Andy before she left, but she didn't expect this.

Andy looked around the room and figured this was not her ideal way of letting them all know, but Frank gave her a good gift. This was like ripping the band-aid off really fast dealing with them all at once.

"I'm sorry you all had to find out that way, but I'm going to California to stay."

"No, you can't McNally." Sam said as Andy looked at him in confusion. He had no say. Marlo also stared at her boyfriends reaction.

"Yes, I am. My family needs me right now. I need to be in California. I'm back to just pack up and get stuff taken care of, but I'm leaving for California on Friday." She told them.

"Hey, you all have a job to do. You can say your byes to McNally on your own time." Frank called out at the group of cops that needed to start their shift.

Chloe came over and hugged Andy, "it was nice getting to know you." She told her genuinely.

"Thank you Chloe." Andy smiled at her.

"I don't know what to say." Dov said sadly. "We just got Chris back and now you're leaving?"

"I have to do it Dov. We will get together at the Penny one night before I go, how about that. Have a good bye." Andy suggested. Realizing if she met up with them they may not come to her apartment.

"Sounds good. I'll plan it!" He said following Chloe out the door.

"We need to talk about this, Andy." Tracy told her as both Nick and Gail stood next to her.

"What, is this you're trying to run away again?" Sam said getting mad at her.

"I'm not running away, I'm going home." She said honestly and angry at him. "I'm going home to my family who need me and who I want to be with. If any of you can't understand that, then I feel sorry for you."

Andy said turning around and walking out of the room. Leaving them all behind.

Instead of going back to the apartment she decide to just bite the bullet and deal with her father now too. Get all the anger at her over in one morning.

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