Girl's Night Part 2

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I'm so sorry for the late update! I had some family issues that distracted me from writing. I'm excited for the response that this story has been getting! Keep it up everyone! Let me know what you think!


"Oh, hey. Um, I'm sorry about that. I'm not usually this clumsy" I chuckle awkwardly, surprised to see Caden here.

"Not usually this clumsy? Girl, you are so clumsy don't even try to deny it" Xan laughs from behind me, breaking my gaze from Caden's beautiful eyes.

I blush, embarrassed. Caden just chuckles and straightens me up before letting go of me, almost reluctantly. His eyes don't leave my face though, as he lets his eyes wander about it. Although this makes me slightly uncomfortable, I can't bring myself to look away and I nearly have to stop myself from going back into his embrace. Luckily, and yet slightly unfortunately, a throat clearing catches my attention. I glance back to see Xan and Chloe looking at me expectedly.

"Oh uh, right. Chloe and Xan, this is Caden. Caden, these are my best friends Xan and Chloe" I stammer out.

Chloe waggles her eyebrows at me, and I give her a quick glare so she knows not to mess this up. Xan offers her hand up to Caden, who breaks his gaze from me to shake it, and Chloe follows suit.

"It's nice to meet such good friends of Holly. This is Ben, one of my closest friends" Caden gestures behind him to a very attractive boy that I had somehow missed in this whole interaction.

I glance around Caden and offer up and smile and a wave. Ben doesn't seem entirely content with that and offers his hand up to me. I reach over to grab it.

"So, you're Holly, huh. You're even more beautiful than Cade here let on" Ben smirks and continues to hold on to my hand.

I blush, but intrigued to know that Caden had mentioned me to someone after meeting me just once. A quick glance at Caden showed that he was not too happy with what was going down at the moment, and when Ben offers a quick wink to me Caden clears his throat and glares at Ben.

"Aw come on man, you know I wouldn't do that to you. I'm just messing with you" Ben laughs, but his eyes widen when Caden gives him a meaningful look. "Well, I have something I need to go look at. It was nice meeting all of you".

I let out a light laugh as I watch Ben practically sprint away, as Caden watches him go.

"Well as nice as it was to meet you, we have somewhere to go" Chloe smiles, eager to get away to get all of the details from me.

I smile as Caden nods, and I lift my hand in another small wave as we head away from him.

"Okay now who in the heck was that guy?!" Chloe asks, practically squealing.

"That was the super-hot guy from the café" I blush, leading her away further from him.

I can't help but toss a look towards the direction he was in. I see him still watching as we walk away with a slight smirk on his lips. I gasp as we make eye contact, and grab Xan and Chloe's arms to move faster.

"Holls, I can't believe you didn't give that guy your number! You have to give it to him the next time you see him!" Xan puts in her two cents.

I roll my eyes, "Maybe. We'll see what happens".

As we walk to where we parked the car, I laugh outwardly, but burn with jealousy at hearing the girls talk about how hot they thought Caden was. I don't understand why I'm so upset by this. I've met him like two times, he's not my boyfriend, I really need to calm down.

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