Catch Up

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Holly's POV

"Hey!" I hug Xan back, "I didn't know you were going to come right from work!"

"Yeah, I didn't feel like going home and changing" Xan shrugs.

I scrunch my nose up, "Ugh you smell like restaurant."

Xan rolls her eyes and moves to the side so that Chloe and I can hug. Afterwards, they both sit down.

"At least I took a shower, so you guys don't have to smell wet dog" Chloe jokes.

Chloe works at a pet hotel and clinic, while Xan works as a manager at a local restaurant. They both work full time, and my sessions are at random times so it's not always easy making plans, hence our last-minute plans for today.

"Yes, thank goodness. I don't think I'd be able to stand that" Xan jokes while I laugh and agree.

"So Holls, how many cups of hot chocolate have you downed today?" Chloe teases.

I roll my eyes, laughing, "This is only the second one. I've been super distracted for a few hours."

The two lean forward, eager to see my latest session. They always like getting to look through my pictures to see what I get. Xan and Chloe have always been super supportive of my photography, recommending me to people, sharing my website, and so much more. It's been nice, especially lately as my dad isn't as supportive. They've even stood in as models for me when I want to try something new, or if work is just slow and I want to edit. They pretend to hate it, but I know for a fact they love it because as soon as it's over they constantly ask me if the pictures are done edited yet. I've been the source of their profile pictures for all their social media accounts for years now.

I turn my laptop towards them so that we can go through and look at the pictures together.

"How many did you take this time?" Xan asks.

"Over 300 pictures" I laugh.

At this point they aren't even surprised. They both know how much I can take in a session. I slowly scroll through, giving them enough time to analyze the picture. They 'aw' at some pictures.

"Oh, I think that's one of my favorites!" Chloe points.

I smile as I look at the picture again. It was one of my favorites as well. Monica and Robert were in the background, as the two boys, James and Robert, hold hands with their little sister. It was one of the first times we had gotten the little girl to smile. It was cute watching the small family interact with each other. The boys were so attentive to their little sister, trying to get her to smile and laugh the whole time. They were a big part in helping her get comfortable with the camera.

I keep going through, sighing at the number of pictures I still had to choose from.

"These look amazing Holls! The lighting looks so good! This family is going to be so happy with what they get back!" Xan compliments.

I blush and murmur thanks. Chloe gets up, announcing that she's going to go get a drink and some food. Xan agrees and gets up. They look to see if I'm going to go along. I hesitate, but get up when my stomach growls loudly. We chatter aimlessly about how work was for them as we wait in line. The café had gotten decently busier since I had gotten there, luckily, I left my stuff at a table so that no one would take our table. I glance back a few times just to make sure that no one takes my laptop or camera.

I let my eyes wander around the café, and my eyes rest on the beautiful man from earlier. We make eye contact and I look away quickly, blushing. I don't know why he has such an effect on me, he's just an attractive guy. There are plenty of those out there. I look in the corner of my eye at him again, I couldn't help myself. He sits there still looking at me with a slight smile on his lips. I take a deep breath and try to ignore his constant gaze on me.

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