Spoke Too Soon

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House To House

(2) Spoke Too Soon


So here I am. at the front steps of what the Cps called a 'safe and happy environment for a troubled young boy like me'. bullshit. i was used to this by now, travelling from family to family, usually they didn't keep me for more than a month, but i didn't blame them, i was the kid that no-one wanted. i didn't go to school. in my opinion, i don't need an education, music is all i need. i glanced back at the tall man in a suit, the one that had first come to my door 3 years ago in a rainy evening in september, gently coaxing me to get in the car, so we could, "go to a better place". to this day i still didn't trust him. "why don't you wring to doorbell, champ?" "don't call me that". i said through gritted teeth. Decker leaned forward, giving three perfectly timed knocks with the door knocker, then stepping back to smooth down his suit and fix his hair. i rolled my eyes, feeling the urge to punch him, but deciding against it, knowing that would not be a good first impression on this family.

a short woman with long hair and a fake smile opened the door, with a boy who i assumed was about my age, hiding his hair under a beanie, with a BMTH logo on it. "Hi, Im Tom Decker, we spoke on the phone earlier?" the woman seemed lost in thought for a minute before seeming to recognise the both of us. "yes, yes, I'm Mrs Hemmings, i'll b be your foster mum from now on, this is Luke, she said pointing to beanie boy, and this is my husband, Andrew". she pointed to a man beyond the doorway who was coming down a flight of stairs, as if on cue. she held out her hand to shake, but mie stayed pressed into my sides. "he takes a while to warm up to people, he's a shy boy". Decker told Mrs Hemmings. "oh, of course, and what did you say your name was, young man?" "his name is Michael". Decker once again answered for me. "i like that name". Luke butted in from behind the door. "it is very nice". Andrew stated. the makeshift conversation about my name was interrupted by two other teenagers who came down the staircase in the background. "is this the homeless kid that we're gonna foster now?" one of them asked, looking at me, while the other sniggered. Mrs Hemmings gasped in horror. "i am so sorry about them, Michael, they're not usually like this". her face was red as she told them to both go to their rooms, as Luke just shook his head. "those are my older brothers, Jack and Ben". Luke told me. i slowly nodded my head, wishing this would stop. i still don't trust them. they seemed like the kind of family that acts normal, but is probably into some creepy voodoo shit or whatever.

"so why Don't you go and get your bag from the boot, hey Michael? he put his hand on my shoulder, but i shook it off. "cmon". i reluctantly walked to the booth of the white van i knew all to well, taking out a small roll along suitcase, as well as my guitar. that was all i was ever allowed to have, one suitcase, and a carry on item. i hated the ruled but followed them, i didn't want to end up on the streets. "is that all?" i jumped, turning around to find the whole Hemmings family behind me. i nodded my head slowly, feeling more than uncomfortable. "you poor boy". i just stayed silent, not knowing how to reply. "well then Michael, goodbye". i heard Decker shout. i said nothing, and glared at him for making such a scene, but of course ignored my facial expressions, waving at me like a madman as he pulled out of the driveway, doing a u-turn at the end of the no through road the Hemmings lived on. now it was just me and them.
"so Michael". Mrs Hemmings clapped her hands together as she spoke. "why don't you and Luke got upstairs to your room, and unpack, then get ready for dinner, we're having spaghetti, Decker told me you really like it".

of course he did. may as well given her my whole life story, while he was at it.
"and don't you worry, we would never dream of hurting you, right, Andrew?" He blonde looked up at her Husband, leaning on her shoulder. "of course". he smiled. "we would never hurt you".
guess i spoke to soon.

"Michael?" i just nodded, slowly making my way up the concrete pathway once again, following Luke's lead.
here's the second chapter ayyyeee

I am so sorry.


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