Tutoring Session

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House To House

(10) Tutoring Session

"Oh, Mum bought you shirts and other assorted stuff, they're in this bag".

I remembered, handing a bag over to Michael, with an "Obey" Logo plastered on the side of it. I froze as soon as he smiled, and took it form me. Obey? Mum had never bought me anything nearly expensive as Obey, and i'll admit it, I was starting to consider if I was the favourite child anymore. I pushed my pang of jealousy to the back of my mind, and tried to focus on something else. Michael must've had a really hard life, of course Mum was going to buy him something nice to show her care for him. I shook my head. of course, I tried to reason with myself with all of these possibilities.

"I'm going to head out for my tutoring session now, I guess i'll see you later then". I announced, leaving pretty quickly as I got no reply from the boy who was looking through the bag, almost mesmerised by the contents. I rolled my eyes as I closed the door.

I checked the address almost 5 different times to make sure I was at right house, as I knew that ringing the doorbell as the wrong house in this neighbourhood was frowned upon. I looked at my phone, then at the gate, making sure the numbers matched up once again, then made my way to the door.

Before I could even knock, the door swung open from the inside, and a girl who seemed about my age, absolutely drenched in pink clothing began to speak. "LUCAS!". She squealed, almost bursting my eardrum. "I'm SOO Glad you came, I really need some more help with my Calculus, I mean, that shits like, reaaalllly hard, you feel me?, anyway, come on in, hot stuff!, My names Staceyyyyy, By the way". She giggled, dragging out the 'y's

don't think i've ever felt more uncomfortable in my entire life , and I've been naked in a public place before.

I reluctantly stepped inside the door, trying not to get knocked back down the front steps as the scent of overpoering perfume filled my nose. How were her parents okay with this?
"My parents are away for the week, so you can stay as long as you like". She winked, obviously hinting something sexual, but I just ignore it, knowing any attempt to try and tell her I wasn't interested would be taken as seriously as me trying to burn down her house, as she was that kind of girl.

This was not going to be fun.

Okay but like i used to go to an all girls school and I can confirm to you people that Chicks like Stacey do actually exist, and yes, they are annoying as SHIT

Lemme tell y'all a little story real quick

So our P.E classes were held on the school oval always, as we didn't actually have a hall to do them in, or a gym for that matter, and our school was conveniently placed right next to a main road, and one other school, Marist Boys College, (A catholic boys school)

So every Wednesday, 1:30pm on the dot, our P.E lesson would end, and we would walk back around the front of the school to get to where the change rooms were placed, some reason, no-where near the oval.

Anyway, for some reason, every Wednesday also doubled as the day that all of the Year 8 boys from Marist (8th Grade in America) Walked across the footpath on the same side of our school, to get to the local football field to do whatever or something. My main point here is, some of the girls in my class, used to take the long way around the school, which takes 10 minutes instead of like, 1.5, just so they could see a bunch of boys through the school fence (it was one of those barred ones)

So yes, some of the girls that went to my high school were that stupid, and guy-deprived.


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