Dinner, Again

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House To House

(9) Dinner, Again.

As soon as Michael and I got home, I threw open the door leaving both of us straight to my bedroom; I had had enough school for one day.

"How was your first day?" I finally asked him, flopping on my bed, exasperated.

No reply.

I sighed.

"I'm sorry about what happened in track, I didn't mean it like that, I mean, of course I like you, but you know, not in....

....that way".

Out of my peripheral vision I could just see Michael shaking his head.

"It wasn't your fault". He whispered.

I couldn't believe it.

For the first time ever, Michael had said something to me, that wasn't accompanied by a 'sorry' or a shoulder shrug, or just more silence.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't". I tried to hide the fact that I was stunned, but it wasn't working.

"Please don't be mad".


Dinner wasn't much different, the awkward tension in the air as so thick you could cut it with a knife. No-one dared speak a word.

When I say no-one, I'm not including Jack and Ben, of course. They were both carelessly arguing over who got the last chicken wing.

As per usual, the person who broke the silence, was of course, my Mum.

"How was school today, boys?".

Mum's cheerful tone caught everyone's attention.

"It was pretty good". I answered for Michael, hoping she wouldn't pick up on the lies I was issuing out left and right.

She nodded.

"Oh, remember you have a tutoring session with a young lady today, maybe you could bring Michael along?". She suggested.

Michael tensed beside me.

"Yeah, okay, whatever".

Mum shot me a look, obviously because of my sour tone, but I ignored it, my main focus being to get dinner finished as soon as possible.

I'm super excited to have this story back on track again, and I can't wait to see you guys in the next update later today!



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