Chapter 2

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JungChul's POV

I sat in a large chair flipping through paperwork. Apparently the exchange student that my mom decided to get, for some reason that I do not know, came in today. Therefore my dad had to leave in order to pick her up from the airport. So I was stuck doing the paperwork that my father loves to put off.

"Duuudddeee" I hear Jungkook through the mindlink. "You should have been there when the exchange student came. Our new sister is pretty hot" He said and I could hear the smirk in his tone.

"Jungkook, shut up. She's our sister now." I said back quite annoyed. Usually I could deal with him being perverted but right now, I am just too tired.

"Come on. Just come home, leave the rest of the work for dad." He said.

"If I don't do the paperwork no one will." I growled, "Now please shut up, I have a headache and I am almost done."

"JungChul, remember I am older than you. You can't speak to me that way."

"Jungkook. That may be the culture of our country but guess what. The culture of our species begs to differ saying that the dominant rule. And you know what, I am at a higher standing than you. So I am telling you to stop." I rubbed my temples trying to block him out.

He finally stopped talking, allowing me to finish the paperwork. Finally done I looked at the clock, it read 12:47am. I leaned back into the chair.

"Mom?" I said through mindlink.

"Yes?" I heard her respond almost instantly.

"I think I'm just going to sleep at the office tonight. I'm too tired to come home, and I have more work to finish in the morning." I said.

She said okay, leaving me myself. I closed my eyes letting them rest for a split second before I made my way out of the office and down the hall to my room. My dad had finally moved out of the pack house, giving me the Alpha's bedroom. I walked inside the room and went to the bed. Exhaustion weighing me down all I could do was take off my shoes and tie before falling onto the bed and into a deep sleep.

I woke up feeling restless. My wolf was going haywire. I dragged myself out of the bed and into the connecting bathroom. Getting undressed and turning on the shower I stood there letting the burning water attempt to sooth my wolf, yet it did nothing. Now I felt extremely annoyed. I have a butt ton of work to do since my dad neglects paperwork, I do not need a restless wolf on my plate too.

I got dressed in a white v-neck and dark washed skinny jeans. Pulling a hand through my hair I left it be, too lazy to do anything with it. I walked out of the bedroom and back to the office. Honestly at this point the office could be called mine. My dad did a lot of work don't get me wrong, but he did more field work and more visiting other packs or the business that were under the pack. So because of this he was never actually in the Alpha's office.

I took a seat behind the large desk and began working through the remaining piles of work. Finally, 7 hours later, I finished all the paperwork. The desk was clean and the filing cabinets were stuffed full. I mindlinked my mom telling her that I was coming home for a quick lunch. She responded with an okay.

I tidied up the office before leaving, closing the door behind me, and walking through the halls and down the stairs of the pack house.

"Yoonjae" I called to the beta as I was walking towards the front door. He popped his head out of the kitchen looking at me. "I'm going out. Mindlink either me or my dad if anything happens"

I didn't wait for his response before closing the door and walking to the driveway were my car was parked. Unlocking it and starting it, I began driving to my family's house. Usually we would all stay in the pack house. But since my mom decided she wanted an exchange student we all had to move out and settle in the family house. I didn't mind too much but I felt bad for the 3 of my brothers who had already found their mates.

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