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Jaejoong woke up when the morning sun shone its warm rays into their bedroom. He looked at Kim who was still sleeping soundly in his arms. He let go of her and sat up on their bed. He rubbed his eyes and turned back to look at Kim. She was naked and curled up to one side. The quilt only covered her lower body. His eyes roamed her body up and down.



Max: Hyung, please work harder when you're back this time...

Jaejoong: Huh? What do you mean? Don't I work hard enough already?

Max: No... I mean I want.... I want a god-child soon!!! All the other hyungs have one already but me... You promised me, remember?

Jaejoong (scratches his head embarassingly): Oh... You mean that... I'll try my best...

Max: I researched some sexy lingerie from Victoria Secrets for nuna... So that you two can... You know... More...

Jaejoong: MAX!!!

Max: You know what I mean...

Jaejoong: I think we're fine as we are already... She doesn't need all these to spice things up for me...

Max: You sure?

Jaejoong: CERTAINLY!!! And what's all this research? I don't want you getting funny ideas in your head about Kim okay... She's MY WIFE!!!

Max: I'm not... I just found the site and printed out some new samples for you to select for her... That's all...

Jaejoong (hits Max on his arm): Aish~ Give it to me and forget we EVER had this conversation!!!



Suddenly, Jaejoong felt a familiar twitch at his dick. He looked down. He was hard again.

Jaejoong's thoughts: Gosh... I'm so needy... Calm yourself down, Kim Jaejoong!!!

Kim moaned slightly in her sleep as she turned herself around. Hearing her moan, made Jaejoong even more excited. He was now clenching his fists by his side and trying very hard to calm himself down. But to no avail. He was crazy over Kim. And he wanted to kiss every part of her skin all over again, and make her cry his name out loud in ecstasy.

Jaejoong's thoughts: I can't take this anymore...

He climbed back into the bed, and pulled the quilt off Kim, exposing her entire body to him. He climbed on top of her. She was still sleeping.

Jaejoong's thoughts: She must be tired... I'll just see how far I can get before she wakes up...

He started kissing her lips, her neck, nipping her ear lobe lightly. Then he left a trail of wet kisses down to her breasts. His tongue encircled her nipple and that made Kim moan slightly. Then he massaged his other breast as his tongue worked on her other nipple. He nipped her nipple lightly, pulling it slightly then letting go. He continued his kisses down to her lower body.

He slowly parted Kim's legs and massaged her butt, thighs and inner thighs, and his touch on her body left a trail of goosebumps on her skin. His fingers found her clit and started rubbing her lightly. She still felt wet from the previous night's love-making. He pushed a finger into her clit, making her shiver slightly from the sensation. Then he slid it out slowly, and brought it to his mouth, he sucked his finger.

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