the relationship's shit

29 6 14

So Hola peeps, long time!!!

anyways let's get to the point, relationships. Both those relatives shit but boyfriend and girlfriend.

So as you all know everyone gets in a relationship, once in a life time (though I've never been and don't even want to coz as the title says relationship's shit) and in that time a person changes. Luke really changes.

First thing that changes is dressing sense for example
From this:

First thing that changes is dressing sense for example From this:

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To this:

Or maybe this:

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Or maybe this:

Or maybe this:

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To this:

 In short sometimes there's no change in dressing

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In short sometimes there's no change in dressing. Sometimes bad luck becomes worse and douch bags remain the same.

People generally start spending more time with their partners then their fucking friends.
How can you do that man? am I not your friend anymore or is that asshole more important.

And real shit happens when your friend chooses a random shithead and you don't like him/ her at all. And you are the one desperately waiting for them ti breakup and by chance they do.
By chance hun I said. You go up to your friend's partner and say shut on their face and then do a mini dance with your bff and then after a few days you see them cozying up and you are like:
Le me:Dude? You alright? You left him/her.
Friend: I realised that I live her/him.

And your friend's gf/bf is shooting daggers at you and duhhhhh life's a bitch again!!!!!

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