horror story time

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so as I said in my book that I'll share my horror experience, so here it is-

when my grandfather died, I didn't shed a single tear because I hated him, why? that's something I wouldn't share, family matters. so, like I wasn't the kid who was loved by him, he barely called me by my name so December 10, 2013, was the day he died. he used to come in my dreams every day from then. nobody else was unfortunate enough to see him in their dreams, but I was!!!

I used to see him and after that, there was an endless chain of dreams of the others who died in my family. and whom I haven't even seen. I used to wake up and describe everything about them to my parents and they used to tell me that she was their grandmother or she was an aunt.  I started falling sick very often, my conditions weren't good. I told my parents and they were very tensed. they used to call my grandmother and ask her what to do.

this was endless, one day I woke up to someone soothing my hair. I used to sleep with my head in the direction of our worshiping temple and between the bed and the temple there was some gap, enough for four to five people to stand. so when I woke up I saw my grandfather. 

the scene was so horrific that sends shivers still. that time was the most difficult. I used to feel someone lying right beside me, I used to hear footsteps when everyone was asleep in my house and the footsteps stopped right above my head. even today I feel like that.

I live in a different house now but here too I've experienced the same things, the difference is it isn't my grandfather anymore. even my mother has experienced some strange things in this house while she's alone. there is something, outside our window too, we hear the ringing of bells at night and I, sleep facing the window. she just confessed that she has also felt something strange just last night and I thought that I was the only one!!!

I'm so used to these things that now I just brush it off, papa always switches on a light at night so that there's no darkness, sometimes I get really scared, sometimes its really hard to brush off!!

papa and Mumma bought a locket for me which I wore but coincidently because of that locket, I got rashes on my neck, for the first time in my life I got rashes. I wore it off off my neck.

that was my story, now time for you to share yours. SO, WHAT'S YOUR HORROR STORY? COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW!!!

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