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"Anjali, where are these girls. Not again, these girls are becoming naughty day by day." Dadi said, coming out from her room.

"Maa you know they only listen to their sister, then why do you bother. We can't do anything." Anjali replied.

"Parvathi, Anjali don't scold my grand daughters. Do you understand?" said Shekar.

"Mom it's waste of talking. I'm going to wake up Aarush, because he is getting late for office." She said and went towards Aarush's room.

"Aarush come on wake up. You are getting late." Anjali said.

"Yes mom I will be in 20 mins." he said and went towards washroom.

"Mom we are back and please serve us breakfast." shouted two girls entering inside.

"Oh you two came. Where were you?" asked dadi.

"Oh we went for walk dadi. Anyhow we are princesses of house. Right angel?" asked Aarohi.

"Yes di and you know dad and Aardhna di also say the same." replied Aastha.

"Yes, you are devils not angels." replied their mom.

"Who is that calling my princesses as devils?" came Sanjay's voice.

"Maa, see your son came. Now we can't handle these two."Anjali replied.

"Mom, see these two devils what they did." shouted Aarush stepping downstairs.

"What happ------" suddenly everyone started laughing seeing him.

"You... Devils, wait what have you done with my hair gel?" Aarush shouted running Aarohi and Aastha.

His hair was standing on his head like a hen's feathers, because they both mixed some chemical in his hair gel.

"Aarush we mixed chemical in your gel and." Aarohi said.

"And we replaced your gel" Aastha completed.

"What's happening here?" came a voice from the entrance.

Everyone turned towards the entrance and felt happy to see the person who entered.

"Aardhna, how are you?" Asked dadi, dadu, Sanjay and Anjali.

"I'm fine mom,dadi,dadu and dad but Aarush, what happened to your hair?" Questioned Aardhna while controlling her laugh.

"Di, see, these two did this to me." replied Aarush with a pout.

"Di it was just a prank." replied Ladoo(Aarohi) and angel(Aastha).

"It's okay. come on everyone we will have breakfast I'm hungry." replied Aardhna.

After that everyone had their break fast and Aarush went to SS add agency. Aarohi went to her boutique and Aastha went to her interior designing class. Sanjay and dadu left for SP TEXTILES and SA industries and Anjali, parvathi were doing household works where as Aardhna left for her company which is on the name AA INDUSTRIES after talking about business with her father and dadu.

TWO HEARTS ENTWINED TOGETHER ✔Where stories live. Discover now