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Arnav's p.o.v:

"Are you both our friends or enemies?" She asked and left from there teary eyes.

I was going to leave from there but Sanjay started talking to Sanjana I stopped at my place to listen to their conversation.


Sanjay's p.o.v:

Aardhna was waiting at venue for Arnav. I already listened to Arnav and Rehaan conversation stating that Arnav is going to propose Aardhna. My blood boiled.

First day I saw her I wanted her. But Arnav made first move on her. But now I'm not going to leave her. At any cost I will get her.

I listened everything in detail about venue, decorations, places. I called Sanjana as she is obsessed with Arnav.

"Hello Sanjana come to xyz place tomorrow." I said and she didn't question as she know I am planning to separate them from long time.

We both arrived at venue and waited for Arnav to arrive. When he arrived we acted according to our plan.

I was facing  Arnav and Sanjana's back was facing him and we acted as if we both were kissing.

"Aardhna I'm so happy that you accepted my proposal." I said.

"Its ok Sanjay. Arnav was just for time pass." Sanjana acted.

"Then why were you with him for almost one year." I asked her.

"Oh that he is too rich more than me. And I wanted him but he always gets with his ways of escaping." Sanjana said.

"Oh its good then continue to do same thing with him." I said.

"Sure why not?" She said laughing.

When we turned Arnav was going from there and Aardhna was running back of him.


Arnav's p.o.v:

"That was the last we both saw them together. I'm happy to see that." Sanjay said laughing.

"Yeah you're right I was back of Arnav from first year but he ignored me and chooses her." Sanjana said.

My trance got broke by Aardhna's voice.

"Arnav everyone are waiting for you there. Come fast. What are you doing here?" She asked in concern seeing my face.

TWO HEARTS ENTWINED TOGETHER ✔Where stories live. Discover now