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Aardhna's p.o.v:

Today I'm going to Paris for one week because of a deal. Now our relation is officially declared to the family. After my returning we will declare to the world. Arnav now a days doing PDA in front of the family. Now he is angry because I'm leaving for one week.

"Arnav please talk to me?" I said.

"You can send some one else princess." He said.

"Haa Shona you can send someone else too." Dad said.

"Dad if I could I would have send someone." I said.

"You will never try. Go, no need to give explanations." Arnav said.

Meanwhile I got call from Priya.

"Yes priya." I answered. Everyone was looking at me kneely

"Mam Mr.Mahesh is ready to go to Paris." She said and I was happy.

"Good send him and this time I don't want to loose this project. Do you understand?" I asked her.

"Yes Mam." She replied and hung up.

'Okay you people won. I'm not going." I said.

Immediately I was pulled into bone crushing hug by my siblings and Arnav was smiling.

I got a call from that person and immediately I fisted my hands.

TWO HEARTS ENTWINED TOGETHER ✔Where stories live. Discover now