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Disclaimer: I do not own anything other than my character and this idea. It all belongs to the wondrous and talented James Dashner. :3

"The Greenie's a shucking girl!"

The girl sits still at the corner of the creaky metal box, pointing a gun at the people on top. She is afraid, confused, scared. It is hard to explain what she exactly feels as she tries to remember. But if any blurry memory comes to her mind, a cold chilly feeling climbs to her spine like a snake slithering up a tree. But one thing was for certain. Her name is Chanelle.

"C'mon greenie," a blonde boy with a thick accent calls out to her, offering Chanelle a hand. She instantly points the gun at him. The boy raises his hands in a action of surrender as the others move back. "Put the gun down. We ain't gonna harm you, greenie."

Chanelle looks at the boy with an unreadable glare, seemingly contemplating if putting the gun down is a good idea. Instead, she puts it in her pocket. It is better to be ready if anyone tries to sttack her or anything.

"Good that," the boy says and offers his hand one more time. "Here."

Chanelle stands up slowly, looking at the boy suspiciously before taking his hand. She climbs up with the help of the accented boy. As soon as she is up, she scans the crowd. It is a crowd of about fifty boys, mostly looking disheveled but also curious. She freezes, the unsettling feeling of being the only girl in an unknown place travelling through her body.

Someone puts a hand on her shoulder. She does something in instinct. It looks like he is about to speak but she does an unexpected thing which shocks the boys. She judo-flips the person behind her.

"Ah!" The boy hisses in pain as he lands on the ground . Everyone is too speechless to even help. The boy rolls for a while, clutching his arm. He glares at Chanelle.

"What the bloody shuck was that for?" He says with a thick accent.

"I'm sorry. I just... I don't know," Chanelle replies sheepishly. She is sure she's blushing right now.

Another boy looks at her amused with his arms fold. "You're good. Name's Alby. And I'll forgive you for doing that since you've only been here for five minutes."

Alby shoos everyone telling them to go back to work. It is only Alby and the guy Chanelle judo-flipped left.

"This is Newt, the second-in-command here in the Glade," Alby introduces. Newt glares at Chanelle. "Do you remember your name?"

"I..." Chanelle thinks better. Is it alright to trust this people? Well, if not, just in case. "Jessica."

"Jessica? Well then, welcome to the Glade."

Chanelle's POV

The guy who I judo-flipped a while ago--- I learn that his name is Newt--- keeps on glaring at me as Alby leads me through the Glade. He says something about jobs and places, and I'm sure I heard about someplace called Bloodhouse. Either way, I didn't listen much.

I'm confused. And scared. And pretty much messed up. I act on instinct though, that's for sure. I should formally apologize later.

After that, Alby leaves me in Homestead (which is like their central command center or whatever you call it) to get me feed up and rest. I'm given a sandwich and a canteen of water by a guy called... Frank? Frizz? Frypan? Yeah, I think it was Frypan.

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