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Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my character and this idea. It all belongs to the wondrous and talented James Dashner. :3

Minho wakes up earlier than the other Gladers. He has to wake up earlier so he would not run into anyone and disturb them.

He walks towards the exit of the Homestead 'accidentally' tripping as he passes by Chanelle's hammock making Chanelle fall off with a thud.

"Umph!" As soon as Chanelle hits the floor, she is wide awake. She glares at Minho, who chuckles at her bed head.

"Good morning, greenie," he says.

"Yeah. Great bloody morning, hoe," Chanelle grumbles as she stands up and dusts herself. Minho smirks.

"Fix up. We're leaving in thirty minutes."

"Huh? Where are we going?" Chanelle asks.

"The Maze. You want to be a runner, don't you?" Minho says as he stretch his arms. Chanelle's eyes widens and she quickly scrambles off, checking if her gun is with her. She cleans herself up. After packing a backpack with the help of Minho, Chanelle decides to go see Newt before leaving.

"Newt?" Chanelle calls out as she peeks inside his tent. Newt is sitting in his bed wide awake. She notices the bags under his eyes.

"Hm?" He says. Chanelle goes in and sits beside Newt. "Hey, you okay? Did you sleep?"

"Yeah, a little bit," Newt replies, rubbing his left eye. He really looks like he didn't get any sleep and it's bothering Chanelle.

"Maybe I shouldn't go today," Chanelle says hesitantly as she looks at Newt with concern. "You don't look good."

"No! I mean, no, I'm fine. Don't worry about me I can take care of myself." Newt assures her.

"But..." Chanelle trails off. Newt sighs and puts his hands on both of Chanelle's shoulders.

"I'm fine. It was just a nightmare. No need to worry," he smiles. Chanelle holds Newt's arms firmly.

"If you say so," Chanelle mutters. Newt smiles more.

"Good that. Now get going or Minho's gonna leave you behind."

"Aye aye, sir." Chanelle stands up and waves goodbye before leaving.

Minho's POV

Gee, the greenie's taking her time alright.

I look at my watch as I wait for her. After a few seconds of waiting she comes out of Newt's tent, running towards me. I smirk. I knew they are a thing from the moment I saw them together.

"Already said goodbye to your boyfriend?" I joke. She glares at me and sighs.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," she says.

"Actually, I was waiting for you so..."

"Just slim it, hoe."

We spend the first minutes of running bickering and teasing each other. It has been a long time since we got a greenie for a runner so it's good that I have someone to speak to. I don't really talk to others much because I spend my time in the Maze.

"So greenie, what's your name?" I ask as we turn to a corridor to the left. "I didn't get it a while ago."

"It's Chanelle. Ignore it if someone calls me Jessica," she replies. I furrow my eyebrows.


"I told the others a fake name, alright? I bet you aren't smart enough to think about that," she smirks. I scoff.

The Hurt, The Scarred, The Damned (Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now