Chapter Eight

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Sandra has a date. The phrase kept repeating itself in Phil's head, over and over again, as if his thoughts were on some sort of twisted merry-go-round. If Sandra had a date, Phil had only one other possible option. Grudgingly, Phil made his way out into the corridors, just in time to see Dan strolling elegantly towards him. His head was aimed upwards, and his eyes traced the dull cobblestones that lined the walls.

In such a setting, Dan stood out exceptionally. The baby blue colour of his pyjamas contrasted the monotonous grey considerably, and his warm, golden irises only made the area seem colder. It wasn't only his appearance, however, the way Dan carried himself indicated a certain affability that was rarely found amongst the prevalent solitude. Phil watched as the younger boy came slowly towards him, before stopping mere inches away from the elder's face.

Sometimes Dan forgot just how incredible Phil's surreal beauty was up close, or just how brightly those blue eyes gleamed, despite the corridor's dim lighting. During times like this, Dan liked to remind himself of these things. He watched as the prefect's right eyebrow formed a delicate arch and his lips pursed slightly in question. Out of the corner of his eyes, Dan saw the older boy's long and slender fingers fiddling with the seam of his trousers.

Dan decided to give those elegant hands something to do. With his own hands, he brought Phil's around his waist, then pulled their bodies together, before turning his head upwards and pressing their lips together gently. Phil deepened the kiss, pulling Dan impossibly closer and taking one hand up to rest against the back of the hufflepuff's head.

Phil wondered how he could have even considered asking Sandra to the Yule Ball. The realisation that he wouldn't want to spend the night with anyone other than Dan came quite suddenly. It seemed to become more apparent with every movement of the younger's lips against his own, and soon Phil was pulling away so that he could gaze into those molten chocolate eyes.

"Dan, I-" Phil started breathlessly, "I want to t-take you to the Yule Ball". He glanced downwards quickly in an attempt to hide the blush that was settling on his cheeks, until he felt a familiar hand on his chin, pulling his head up again.
"I'd love to," Dan said with a smile that prompted two dimples to form on either cheek.

Dan walked briskly back to the hufflepuff common room, still caught in a state of disbelief after experiencing the night's events. He was going to the Yule Ball with Phil Lester, possibly the most angelic human being of all time. The hufflepuff student could barely feel his feet as they made contact with the ground after every step.



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