Chapter Fifteen

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"Can you at least try and look decent?"
"With you beside me, I'll look completely irresistible,"
Jamie and Chris's bickering had gone on since they'd left school, and Ellie and Phil had been condemned to the insufferable nonsense the entire journey, exchanging constant eye rolls and laughing silently at the dramatic scene playing out before them. 
"You're delusional," Jamie taunted, "I've got actual shoes and an actual shirt, whereas you've got...well...those!" he punctuated the sentence with a vague motion towards the black trainers in Chris's hand, and a look of utter disgust crossed his face.

"I'll have you know that these are very formal appropriate," Chris replied, before the shoes were briskly snatched from his hand by Ellie.
"Chris, love, they're ridiculous," She said before tossing them in the heaving pile from which they came. Chris's attempted reply never came, as the three boys were shoved forward by Ellie, in the general direction of the shop's formalwear section. 

The dozens of clothes racks were delicately lined with finely pressed shirts and pairs of trousers that were identical if not for their slight variation in tones of grey. The shoes all gleamed under the bright ceiling lights, having been regularly polished, as well as maintaining their lack of scratch or scuff. Phil's tentative fingers carded through the shirts, before finally selecting a classic, white shirt. He pulled it off the rack, glancing in Ellie's direction for approval, before continuing to the trousers. 

"Changing rooms!" Ellie demanded, already storming off with the three slytherins in pursuit. They navigated their way through the uniform clothes racks, each lined with the same crisply pressed shirts and gleaming shoes, until they were each inside a changing room, chatting nonchalantly to each other through the thin walls. Phil, having only brought one shirt and one pair of trousers to try one, finished quickly, and took a seat on the vacant chair outside. The chair faced a facade of changing room doors that curved in a semicircle around a meticulously woven carpet.

He had only been seated for mere seconds when a familiar face appeared, surrounded by a crowd of other, less striking appearances. Dan caught the slytherin's eye, as did the majority of the other kids that had just materialised. Upon realising who it was, the group of students began eagerly pushing Dan, who was laden with a rainbow of clothes, in Phil's direction.
"Hi," the hufflepuff exclaimed before glancing nervously back to his group of chattering friends.
"Hi," Phil returned.
"I'm gonna-" Dan motioned in the direction of a vacant fitting room.
"Yeah, sure, but..." Phil started, "Maybe come out and show me?" He finished with a wink.

Dan's cheeks flushed an excited shade of pink before he practically skipped off and slammed the door. His friends, who had been gathered, murmuring amongst themselves, at the doorway had dispersed, having occupied nearly all the remaining fitting rooms. The chattering had loudened since the assortment of fifth years had arrived, and Phil supposed that his own friends would be a while, considering the stack of clothes that both Jamie and Chris had brought in with them, and all the dresses that hung like wings from Ellie's arms as she entered the fitting rooms. 


possible smut next chapter ?? maybe ?? possibly ??

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