Chapter 1

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Darkness. It was all you could see at the moment, like a blob of black just swallowed you up.


You called out, but all you could hear in return was the echo of your voice. What's going on? A tiny voice at the back of your head screeched. You tried to move your body but it wouldn't budge, it felt numb.

"Oh god what's happening " You panicked, trying to wriggle your body back into life, but over and over again, it didn't respond to the signals your brain were sending. Minutes that passed felt like hours, no, it felt like time have stopped. Everything was still, when suddenly, a bright glow emitted out of nowhere.

"W-what?" You exclaimed, as the light grew brighter and a deep shade of red formed in front of you. An unidentified figure then appeared with a smile that stretched from ear to ear slowly walked towards you, holding something which seems to be a knife. You screamed at the terrifying sight as the figure ran towards you, bringing up the knife and swiftly brought it down, muttering something under their breath. After stabbing you for a number of times, the figure vanished, and you felt cold liquid flowing out of your body and onto the "ground" you're laying on. Oh man it hurt but at least I can feel my body again, you joked.

Beep, beep, beep, beep

"What is that noise" you thought,
The beeping sound got louder and a voice could be heard
" (y/n)! Get up!! You're late for school "

You opened your eyes and saw your aunt shaking you back into reality. "You're going to be late for school, you lazy bum. Now hurry up!" She huffed and left the room. Turning your phone alarm off, You rubbed your eyes and immediately got out of bed, forgetting about the nightmare You just experienced. You were excited for the start of a new day in a new school as a transfer student . After the death of your parents, you were handed over to your aunt, not to mention she's a jerk, who lives in Japan.
Grabbing the toast off the dining table, you head out and began to jog at a slow pace, so you won't be late.

"Ah, I hope I'm able to make friends. " You said out loud, not caring if anybody hears you. Suddenly, your phone alarm set off. "Oops, I forgot to delete the alarm for 7.45-WAIT IT'S 7.45?!" You exclaimed, taking off at top speed. Taking a sharp left turn down the walkway, you suddenly were stopped on your tracks. More like you bumped into somebody and tripped over them, how embarrassing.

You fell flat on the the person beneath you, to be more specific, their chest.
"Argh-" You groaned, looking up to see a female with raven hair and eyes as dark as coal sneering at you. No seriously, her eyes look like she was mocking you.
But you were mesmerised by her, at how a dull colour seem to glow beautifully in your eyes.

"Erhm, " She cleared her throat, snapping out of your thoughts.

"Oh! I'm sorry oh lord, I'll get off you" You blurted out, pushing yourself off her. She gave a small smile but it drained back into it's neutral state.
"I'm so sorry for bumping into like that, I didn't mean it! I swear, I'm so so sorry " You spilled the apologies like a broken faucet with no means of stopping the uncontrollable amounts of flowing water.

"It's fine." She replies in a monotonous tone, " I have to go now, but may I first have your picture?" She asks.
"A-alright?" I hesitated, why in the world would a random stranger take my picture??
"It's for the school year book, I believe you're from Akademi Highschool, considering you're wearing the uniform. " She explains, as if she read my mind.
I didn't even notice that she was wearing the second year uniform, God I'm so dumb.
"O-oh right, uh yeah sure, you can take my picture." I say awkwardly. And suddenly there was a flash, followed by a shutter sound. Click.

"That will be all, thank you." She bows, and ran off without another word.
"Well that was weird, I should get going now before I'm late- OH GOD IT'S 8.15, I'M SO LATE! " I screamed and started heading towards the direction of where the school is located.

Well isn't this a great way to start my day.

Stuck ( Ayano Aishi //yandere Chan x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now