Chapter 3

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" Ding Dong Ding Dong- "

The bell rang indicating it was time for our lunch break. I stood up from my seat, stretching my sore and stiff body. Class was amazing!  I mentally screamed, reaching for the lunch pack in my bag. Suddenly, a rather feminine voice called out,

" Hello! "

I turned around to see a red-head smiling at me. He had spiked hair and scarlet eyes that radiated like a lighted splint.
Oops, I thought that voice belonged to a female.

" I'm Haruto Yuto, it's a pleasure to be in the same class as you, do you mind if I show you around the school- "

He said with a hint of anxiousness (is that a word i went to google it for real ) and then pulls out a black bento box from behind his back.

"-And have lunch with me? "

I stared at the poor little red head, with his face as scarlet as his eyes. I stretched  grin at the cute boy and nodded. And instantly, his entire face turned like a tomato as he got excited,

" T-Thank you, I'll definitely won't bore you! "

Grabbing a chair, he sat next to me, talking more about himself.

Half an hour passed and both of you managed to get along really well. Packing your lunch boxes away, Haruto begins to take you around the school. Bringing you from the top floor to the bottom, every corner of the school and finally, reaching the rooftop, you both decided to take a rest.

" Well that was exhausting, "

I laughed, watching Haruto panting, trying to catch his breath.

" You're physically unfit I swear. "

He stared at you and clutched at his heart with a dramatic look etched on his face.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm more of a science person. And as most of us 'nerds' say, potassium(K). "

I snorted, what a dork.

We leaned against the railing, the fountain and other students gathered beneath us. They look like ants.

"I'm going to get us drinks-"
Haruto said, striding off to the vending machine just the floor below us. After watching the red head disappear down the staircase, I looked back down at the dozen of students chit chatting while having their lunches. A group of girls circled around the left side of the fountain and boys on the right. In the middle, a boy sat on the edge of the fountion, staring straight at the cherry blossom trees. Weird. I thought, shifting my gaze over to the tree and the bench beside. A girl with purple twin tornado tails setting her bento box down then sneakily hid behind the tree, watching the boy mumbling something to herself.

Even weirder. I laughed at the sight.

At the corner of my eye, a figure crept over to the girls bento box.

Hey, she looks familiar- wait, ISN'T SHE THAT GIRL FROM EARLIER.

Once again, I watched her like a hawk. Her eyes scanned the area, seeing if there's anybody watching her then she slowly poured some sort of colorless liquid into her food. What is she doing?! Then she stepped away from the box and hid, grinning like a child.

What the f*ck

The purple haired girl came back, picked up her bento box and scooped up some rice. And then I watched it like a movie, her spoon slowly entering her mouth, the raven haired girls grin stretched wider, and then I could hear my voice cutting through the dramatic moment,

" S T  O P - "

Everybody heads turned to me, the purple haired girl having the spoon halfway in her mouth and the raven haired girl, looking the most stunned out of all of them. She looked up at me with her piercing raven eyes, staring daggers at me. And then she ran when everybodys attention is focused on me, purposefully knocking into the girls' hand, the rice on the spoon to fall deep into her mouth, forcing the girl to swallow it.


Within seconds, the girl was coughing and choking, holding onto her throat. The students around her not knowing what to do, just watched as the coughing got worst and suddenly she fell off the bench, still clenching onto her rashy, sore and red throat. 

And in an instance, she stopped coughing, and fell face flat onto the floor. Everybody starts screaming, running to their classrooms, informing the teachers.

Terrified, I ran down the stairs, hoping she was not really ..
dead. Suddenly, I slammed into somebody, it was Haruto.
He had a puzzled look on his face,

" Where are you going? " He asks

" There's this girl  and this other girl put something in her food and now she might be dead! " I screamed, pushing him aside. Once again I'm scrambling down the stairs like a mad woman when  suddenly, my face hit something soft. Unfortunately, the person wasn't strong enough to support the weight of the sudden collision, so we both were sent tumbling down the stairs. My back broke our continuous roll as it cracked against the wall at the bottom half of the second floor staircase.

" Argh , that hurts- "

I grumbled as I gently rubbed my back.

" Oh my god I'm so sorr- "

I said, looking up realising who it was. That raven haired girl. Her eyes staring straight into mine, her cheeks stained with bright pink and her mouth twisted into a sick grin.

" Reader-chan! Oh god are you alright! "

Haruto screams from the top of the staircase. Looking back at the girl whose body is slumped over mine and her hands pinned on my left and right. Her face slowly came closer to my right ear and whispered something. My face drained of it's color as she pushed her entire body off me and ran off.

" C'mon, lets get you to the nurses' office. "

Haruto's voice cut through, waking me from my thoughts, placing my arm over his shoulder, picking me up and we slowly made our way to the office.

After being patched up, I laid on one of the beds as Haruto talked to the nurse. Staring at the dim light, I could overhear a teacher running in, the clicking noises of her heels got louder. The door slid open as the teacher voice echoed through the room,

" She's dead.. "

I closed my eyes, my heart feeling terrible. I don't personally know that girl but I saw everything, I could have done something to save her from this fate.
I opened my eyes, remembering what that raven haired girl told me, sending shivers down my spine.

" If you tell anybody, I'll kill you too, more gruesome than how your parents died. "

Stuck ( Ayano Aishi //yandere Chan x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now