Chapter 4

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Nothing much really happened afterwards. I'm currently back at home on the next morning, munching on my breakfast, bacon and eggs. I couldn't sleep last night. Recalling what had happened after Kokona Haruka, the purple twin drills girl, died.

The whole school assembled outside of the school, near the school gate. It was to prevent interruption with the investigation and also to make sure all the remaining students are safe.

" All students are to be sent home after the terrible incident, "

The guidance counsellor spoke, her voice cracked with the cackling sound on megaphone. Students were crying, shaking with fear as the atmosphere grew darker.

" The police are currently investigating the matter and that any witnesses should step up and tell them everything. "

My heart fall out of my chest, and I felt eyes staring daggers at me, a burning feeling on my back. I hung my head in shame, swallowing my voice as it rumbled in my throat,

" I'm sorry.- "

I'm such a coward.

Finishing up the rest of my breakfast, I slowly made my way to the front door. Shoving my feet into the snow white shoes, I opened the front door and dragged myself out.

It's just the first day of school why is everything just.... escalating so quickly?!

Making my way down the same path to Akademi High, I feel eyes following me. Taking a sharp turn, hoping the feeling of being watched will stop. Then, I felt a tap on my right shoulder,

" Hey, "

Turning my head, as my forehead broke out in cold sweat. There she was, with her remorseless raven eyes, grinning like the fox in sheep skin. Stunned, my eyes travelled down to her clear skin, her nose , her soft glossy lips that curled into a smirk. Her pale arms and her slender, delicate fingers look so perfect even after knowing she committed sin with those 'innocent'  looking fingertips. And finally, her slender legs with some leg muscle hidden within those thigh-high socks and the two meaty guardians called thighs that stand between me and her-

" My eyes are up here. "

Her soft but strict voice cut me from my thoughts.

Oh my god was I checking her out?!

Blood rushed into my cheeks, but unfortunately not into my brain.

" Um I was just staring at that molecule floating around your skirt, I mean what- "

Mentally facepalming myself, my common sense screamed, " Oh my god, you imbecile you're going to get yourself killed with that mouth of yours, LITERALLY. "

She lets out a laugh, narrowing her eyes at me ,

" You're cute. But that wasn't what I was here for. "

Her eyes darkened, as mine drained of its color.

" Regarding yesterday, I'm sure you've witnessed everything. It's nice of you to keep it a secret. "

Oh right that... I almost forgot.

" Why are you doing this, "
I blurted, averting my gaze.

" I have a crush on that boy she was spying on. " She replied bluntly, her face gleaming with arrogance and eyes that screamed ' it's okay to do something like that ' . Taking a step forward and grabbing me by the collar. Her face leaning closer to mine,

" And if you have any means of taking him away from me too, I'll pour gasoline on you and I'll light you up. " She spoke softly, her breath smelling like mint.

" I-I won't, " I stuttered, as she released the strong grip she had on my collar, leaving a wrinkles all over my shirt. 

" I would also want you to be my accomplice. My...  'friend' . " She muttered under her breath.


" Considering I let you live after you witnessing what happened yesterday. " She let a small laugh, her face slowly began to darken.

Being friends with a psychopath?? No way in hell. But do I have a choice? My life is on the line on this. I'm still terrified from yesterday. I don't even know how to react if I said no. I don't even know her name.
But what if...

" I don't take no as an answer, see you in school, reader chan. Also, I didn't get to introduce myself to you. "

Closing up to my ear like she did yesterday, she whispered,

" I'm Ayano Aishi , but you can call me Yan Chan. If you tell anybody our new little secret, I'll kill you and everybody you know, innocent or not, starting with that new friend you made, Haruto. " She let out a giggle, her voice went soft, like I'm listening to some ASMR live.

She then stepped back, and started running off somewhere. I stood there, my feet planted into the ground as my eyes travelled along with her until she was out of my sight. My face looking like a fully grown tomato, my heart pounding, like a delinquent beating up my heart with a bat.

It's beating from fear, right? Right?!

Tightening my chest, I stride off to school, repeating the same phrase over and over even after I stepped into the school. Bright pink petals swayed against the gentle blow of the wind, and finally landing on the ground. As I stared at the process, my mind screamed once more at my heart before heading off to my first class.

I will not fall for a murderer.

Stuck ( Ayano Aishi //yandere Chan x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now