Chapter 10

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" Ugh "

I groaned, forcing my eyelids open. It was dark, pitch black surrounding me. Signs of life are nowhere to be found.

Am I dead?

My vision began to fade, a static like blur with random blotches of green and red splatters on everything I lay my eyes on.

" Fuck am I still dreaming? " I cursed under my breath, and tried to rub my eyes. But my hands wouldn't budge.

" Goddammit! " I yelled in frustration, thrashing about in my bound-up state. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, Ayano standing next to the light switch. I looked around, we're back in her hell basement. My eyes then travelled back to her. Her expression was soul-destroying.
"Princess, please stop screaming;" Her voice was monotonous, the bags under her eyes were big enough for me to go grocery shopping.

" I'm still mad at you for running away from me. " She continues, inching closer to me. She knelt down, and smiled.

" Especially the part where you ran away with that stupid, disgusting and vile red head. "

She whispers. My stomach threw a fit after hearing what she said.
Without hesitation, I drew in saliva and spat at her. She stays still, her eyes shifted to the spit that landed on her cheek.

I growled and watched in horror as she wiped the saliva off with her thumb and licked it.

" You're the disgusting one- " I mumbled.

Her hands dropped to her sides and hurt flashed in her eyes.

" I'll be whoever you want me to be, if you don't like how I am. " She pouted. But the cute frown stretched into a grin, and her arms hugged my sides.

" I'll make us some dinner, alright? " She whispered, her grip tightening.

" So stay put, don't think of doing anything. " She squeezed me and exited the basement. I groaned as I heard the door close.

How many times am I going to be locked in here?

" Ugh, I'm too tired to do anything. That stupid drug she put in me is still in effect. " I gulped, my throat having the worst drought. My eyelids felt heavy, the objects infront of me began to blur. And soon, I fell asleep.

" Hey wake up; "

" Huh? "
I groaned, the groggy feeling won't leave me alone. Suddenly, soft pecks planted all over my face and my eyes flew open at every heated touch. Raven eyes connected to mine as the little devil's forehead leaned against mine. Her plump, pink lips protruding an adorable pout. She looked so soft, so innocent. My cheeks flushed red at the thought, then inching away from her.

" What? " I spat and looked away, cutting the eye contact.
A fragrant smell invaded my nostrils as a bowl of soup was shoved into my face. It looked so good, with the thick brownish broth mixed with a balance of steamed vegetables and succulent meat oozing with flavour. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water, and it's just soup! 
" I made some soup. " She whispers, and slowly leaned towards me and sat on my lap, facing me. Her legs settling down beside me and the weight on my thighs grew heavy. Her crotch rubbing against me and I could feel moisture sinking through my pants and onto my bare skin.

" I hope you like it. "

It felt like Déjà vu. The room was silent but the soft noises of desperate slurping filled it. Ayano's grey eyes watched me with those endearing eyes that I knew were filled with crocodile tears.

" Do you want to go upstairs? "
She broke the silence.

My eyes shot back up to hers and my body lit up at the sound of that idea.

" Yes! " I practically yelled, the soup from within my cheeks splattering all over Ayano's face. I stared in horror as I watched her eyes widened and soup cascades down her pink cheeks.

" Oh god, I'm so sorry- " My arm tried to reach out to wipe the delicious soup mixed with my saliva off her face but forgotten I was tied up.

" It's fine " She started giggling, wiping the contents off. My eyes shifted over to the now laughing... "she-devil". Her mouth stretched into a sincere smile and her laugh echoed out of her small lips. I almost forgot she's still a "normal" high school girl.

" C'mon, I'll bring you upstairs. " Her laughter became occasional chuckles as she lifted me and carried me bridal style up the staircase. The bowl of soup wobbled in my hands.Noooo Mister Soup!!! The light from her room was blinding as I could recall the first time being in her room. And that creepy shrine. Slowly and carefully, she settled me down on her bed and I watched her stumble across the room and locked the door.

" Hey; " Ayano looked back at me from the door and slowly walked back to me.

" Yea? "

The bed creaked as she sat next to me and cupped my cheeks. I fell silent as I watched the words come out from her mouth. " Don't you ever run away from me again, okay? " She mumbled and her voice was soft. Everything sounded like underwater beats, the frequency low. The crests and the troughs, the waves of her voice were smooth. Her thumb rubbed against my lip as she brought her face closer to mine. The contrast of blinding light from her windows began to fade and a soft glow illuminated the dark room as our lips connected. And for a moment, I made myself forget everything and enjoyed this moment while I still can.

Hello everybody I'm back!!!  I'm sorry for the long ass update. IM SORRY FOR THE SHITTY CHAP AHHHH  I know I said I would update last last Wednesday but the government kidnapped me HAHA jk BUT SERIOUSLY IM SORRY I WAS SO CAUGHT UP IN EXID I AM A LEGGO NOW HANI IS HELLA HOT OK HAHAH But my midyear exams are over, I'm having a short break right now. But y'all get that physics ref lololol i love physics. By the way, I've decided that I'm going to end this fanfic in a few chaps but no worries there will be a part two//sequel and I'll be pleASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT AYANO'S POV MIGHT BE IMPLEMENTED AND AND THERE WILL BE TWO ENDINGS, A BAD AND A GOOD. GIVE ME YOUR OPINIONS ON IT BTWWW. I'M ALSO STARTING UP A NEW BOOK. ITS DEFINITELY SMTH REALLY GAY AND JUST A SPOILER IT WILL BE SOMETHING WITH SUAGR MOMMIES ;) HAHA.  ANYWAYS I MISSED THIS PLACE, MY HAPPY PLACE. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND HAVE A NICE DAY. LOVE YALL

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