Chapter 8

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     Where the fuck am I? I can only see by a sliver of light right in front of me. My legs and arms are tied and there is a cloth in my mouth. Oh fuck. I'm getting kidnapped aren't I? Well then. Something on my side keeps poking me but I can't grab it from the angle I'm laying at. Good thing I'm not claustrophobic. I turn to grab whatever is poking me. A knife! I slide my arms under my legs out infront of me and cut my legs loose. Now using my mouth I cut my hands from the thin rope. My eyes now adjusted to the dark I see a tool box and the knife in my hand. Through the sliver of light I see passing road. We must be somewhere secluded because there are no passing of cars or people talking like in L.A.
     Suddenly I have an idea. With the knife I'm holding I can stab him when he opens the trunk. I just have to wait till he opens the trunk.


     The car slows down to a stop. Its time. I hear them get out of the car, the trunk opens. The light blinds me and just as I am about to jump out and stab him I see a gun pointed directly in my face. "Your not going anywhere." There is suddenly a sharp pain in my side and everything is black again. I try to keep my composure but I fail. I fall back into the car.


     For the second time I wake up with my arms and legs tied. Although this time no cloth in my mouth and my legs are tied to a bed that I am laying on. "I don't want to hurt you." The voice shocks me and I jump."Don't be scared." Why shouldn't I be? "Where am I?" My voice comes out shaky and scared."In a bed dumbass." In starting to get less scared and more angry. "You know what I mean you jerk!" He walks to where I can see him. He has dead brown eyes and had platinum hair that has obviously been dyed. "Don't speak that way to me. I have looked for someone like you for many years. I saw how well behaved you were to Adam." Oh no! God, Adam will be so worried. Ugh! "Now time for your daily dosage of me." I'm suddenly being stripped. I scream my lungs out but its no use. I hear a door being slammed open. "Xander! I didn't tell you to do that to her!" Xander glares at me. "I'll deal with you later. Bitch" He leaves me on the bed naked. Crying.

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