Chapter 10

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Logan's POV

I was laying beside Ashlee on my bed while she slept, when I heard my dad's voice in my head. 'Logan come to my office." I kiss my girl on her forehead before I get up and go to my dad's office. When I walk in my dad, my beta, and my third are standing there.

"Do you know why the Luna wanted to spare the prisioners lives?" asks my dad.

"No, I do not" I answer him before the door opens.

"The woman is my mother" says Ashlee in a very low voice but because of our werefolf hearing we all heard it. All of us gasps and they put their hand over their mouths as I pulled her in my chest. I said "Ashlee ....... I thought your mom was gone?"

"So did I .....but when .....I am near her .....I can feel a pull between us, I can .... mindchat with her when she told me she was my mother I knew she wasnt lying ..... but I dont trust her at all." says Ashlee. I lift her head up and used my thumbs to wipe her tears away.

My dad spoke up "Logan we need to go and talk to the prisioners."

"I want to come" says Ashlee. I look at her with a confused look on my face and say "Babe I dont think ......" before she cut me off by placing her finger on my lips and saying 'I think I can get more info out of her." 

"But its not safe ....." I tried to say before she cut me off again "Logan you, your dad and Kyle will be there with me."

"Fine" I whispered yelled before I walk out the door.

Ashlee's POV

I know that Logan is really mad but I need answers. Logan's dad and Kyle walk passed me so I followed them. We went to the basement and Logan was standing there waiting for us. Logan opened the door and we all walked in. I walked passed Kyle and Alpha Lark standing beside Logan.

"What's your name?" I ask the woman in the cell.

"Lauren Benson" she comments.

"Why did you take me and my friends?" I ask with a stern look.

"I can't tell you that." she says.

" why"

"I just can't"

" look if you want me to believe you are my mother than u need to give me answers because the mother I knew didn't lie." I scream at her frustrated.

She just put her head down looking really sad. Alpha lark said "that's enough"

Logan put his arms around my waist and we walked out.

I am in Logan's room sitting on his bed trying to calm down. Logan walks out of the bathroom and sits beside me putting his arms around me saying really sweet things in my ear. I calm down and relax in his arms, then I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up feeling alone, I open my eyes, look around the room and Logan is no where. I get up go to the bathroom and do my business. after I dry my hands I walk back into the bedroom and Logan is laying on his bed with his eyes closed.  He looks so cute and at peace when he sleeps. I walk over and try getting into the bed without waking him but it didn't work as soon as I lay down he rolls over and puts his arms around my waist. I turn to look at him. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. he leans up without breaking eye contact and kisses me.  I break the kiss and say "Logan I need answers"

"Ok how do you think we should get them"

"I think Tiffany can help."

Logan says OK and we get up and go over to Tiffany's house.

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