Chapter 9

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Tiffany, Abby and myself was sitting here holding each other for about three hours when someone cleared their throat and made the three of us jump. The woman standing there looked alot like me only she had red hair. I looked at her with a confused face. She then speaks "Hello my dear daughter, you lok like you have seen a ghost." I hesitated then finally spoke "Who are you?"

She says"I am your mother Ashlee."

I never broke eye contact with her and said "You cant be, my mother ... is ... dead."

She laughs hystarically before she talks "I am so sorry to inform you but I am not dead I made it look that way so your father, Shawn, wouldnt look for me."

Still with eye contact I say "I dont believe you, my dad wouldnt of lied to me."

She then got really angry and started screaming "I am your damn mother and I am very much alive", She pulls her shirt up and shows me a tattoo on her lower stomach of a baby wolf with the initials ANC. "I am sorry that I left you but I had to, I had no other choice, but that doesnt matter what matters is as long as you are here you will stay out of danger." She then walked out of the room slamming the door.

Tiffany put her head in her hands and started screaming. Abby and I put our arms around her and she says "It hurts ..." Abby and I took her hands away from her face and I said "what hurts?"

She then says "someone is trying to track me."

"Tiffany do you know who it is?" I ask.

She looks up and says "I think so but I am not sure ... I think it is my mom's friends."

"Maybe they are helping your mom, can you help them track you." replies Abby,

She answers "Yeah I think I can pin put where we are."

Abby and I sit there on our knees in front of Tiffany while she does magic in her head.

The guards notice what we are doing and they tell her to stop but she keeps going and when she opened her eyes we sat beside her with a smile on our faces.

The guards then opened the door and grabbed Tiffany from our holds. They was stronger then us so they were able to get her away from us and put her in the other cell.

Logan's POV

After the witches pin point exactly where the girls are I mindlinked a few of my best fighters to meet me in my dad's office in the pack house.

We arrived at the office and I started talking right away. "Ok as you guys know that the future Luna has been kidnapped along with the beta female and a friend, they have been located at a pack house that has been over taken by rouges. Tiffany's dad and my dad has decided to stay behind to watch the crystal in case they move the girls. Ryan, Gabe, and Tyler you will carry Tiffany's mom and her friends to the destination, then Kyle, Chris and myself will follow and then the rest of you will follow us. I decided that It would be better if we took a few hours nap before leaving so we did just that. I woke up and mindlinked everyone to get in position as I woke the witches. Ryan, Gabe, and Tyler shifted once the girls were on their back the rest of us shifted and I gave the order to run.

We ran about twenty eight miles before we stopped. "Ok we are two miles from the house." I nodded to Tiffany's mom and she then did a mindlink spell to Tiffany. As she was mindlinking Tiffany I mindlink Ashlee "Hey baby dont let them know I am in your head. let me know when Tiffany is done. You will know what I am talking about after she does it. love you."

After about five minutes I got a message from Ashlee and I nodded and we ran into the house. As us wolves fought the rouges the witches ran to find the girls.

Ashlee's POV

I had fallen asleep sitting up with a sleeping Abby's head on my lap. Then when I heard Logan in my head I woke up instantly and Abby jumped away from me. The guards just looked at me then went back to playing the card game. The door swung open and Lauren, my supposibly dead mother came in. She looked at me and says to one of the guards and says "get my daughter" but before the guard could unlock the door Tiffany stood there with her hands out saying "Poppy, yar and brisbane steep to make a potion for a potent sleep." As she said it two more times Lauren had ordered the guards to get Tiffany but before they got to her they all fell to the floor including Lauren.

And that was my queue so I mindlinked Logan and said Tiffany did it Love you too.

I was trying to get the keys off one of the guards waist when the door flew open and all I could hear was alot of growling and fighting. Three women came in, the one woman moved her hands toward our cell and Tiffany's cell. Abby and I ran to Tiffany as she did us. We were standing there when Chris and a few others came down and started to kill the rouges, he got to my mom and said "not her Chris, just tie her up along with that guy." He nodded and did as I told him. After Chris had them tied up we walked outside and Logan and Kyle came up beside me and Abby then we left go of each others so we could be in our guys arms. Chris sat down the two prisioners before he went to pull Tiffany into his arms.

Logan's POV

The pack and myself was standing there waiting for Chris to bring up our mates and the witches when Chris  walked up with two prisioners behind him. I looked at him with a confused look but he just said "Luna Ashlee has asked to spare these two." I gave him a nodd and then seen my beautiful and strong mate walking out with Abby hugged to her arm. I walked over as Kyle did the same and the girls unlooped their arms and Abby jumped into Kyle's arms, while Ashlee hugged me so tightly I almost felt like I couldnt breathe but I just hugged her just as tight. I then pulled her back and raised her chin so I was staring into her beautiful green eyes. I then leaned into kiss her and she immediately kissed back.

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