Chapter 17

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Ashlee's POV

After I walked out of the bedroom I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Aaron was at the island eating. I said "hey"

He looked up and nodded his head because his mouth was full. I chuckled. After he swallowed, "Hey can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, go for it." I said.

"Well its just with me from here and Katie from there, I am worried, she says she wants to be with me but she dont want to leave her family. But if you dont take the Alpha position then I will have to."

"Oh" I said as I sat down next to him. "It will be alright" as I put my hand on his. "I am taking the position and Logan has agreed to merge the packs, we plan on building a pack house in the middle of the territory so it willt benefit the pack as a whole."

"Oh Thank you, thank you" he says as he hugs me. I hug him back.

My dad walked in and sat down beside me. "Hey kids." We both say in unison "Hey"

"Ashlee I Know you dont want to merge the packs until after the fight but I think we should at least give you and Logan the mindlink of this pack. You wont lose communication with his pack. I think it will help in the fight." He explained.

I thought about it for a few moments before I spoke "It sounds good but let me talk it over with Logan." He nodded and left.

I smiled at Aaron and was about to walk out of the room when, Red Blood Pack busted through the back door. I mindlink Logan, his dad and Chris. Aaron and I both shifted. They launched at us before I could move a black wolf was on top of the wolf. Logan. After we cleared the house we rushed outside and helped the packs.

I seen Katie fighting a wolf, he knocked her over bitting her hind leg. I attacked his neck. I bit so hard I heard the bones break. he fell lifelessly. I watched as the pack doctor rushed to Katie. I got back into the fight. I killed four before I saw three enemy wolves circleing my brother. I ran as fast as I could before I launched on the one of their backs. I bit on to his ear. He tried getting me off but I held on tight. He threw me off but I jumped up and at him again this time I scratched his face with my paw before I bashed his head off the ground, he shifted to human. He was dead. I looked at Aaron and he had killed one and now was fighting the other one.

Logan's POV

I was getting dressed when I got a mindlink from Ashlee Red Blood Pack Kitchen. I could hear fear in her voice. I dropped my clothes and ran downstairs, I shifted in the foyer, ran into the kitchen and jumped over Ashlee's wolf as an enemy wolf ran at her. I finished the last one off then went outside. I seen Ashlee kill a wolf. I ran to middle of the fight to seen about fifteen enemy wolves surrounding my dad and Chris. I jumped in and helped. We killed them then went different ways. I seen at the corner of my eye Ashlee and Aaron fighting three wolves. I dugg my teeth into an enemy wolf's shoulder that had one of the shewolves from Aaron's pack pinned down. I helped the lady to the house before I was thrown into a tree. I got up and tackled the wolf. We rolled around fighting for dominence. I finally won when I rolled on top of him pinning my paw in his throat. Then slashing his eyes out. I pushed my paw into his throat crushing it.

Three days later.....

We just killed the last ten of the enemy wolves. I was relieved this fight was over. Ashlee's life isnt in danger no more, I am so greatful for that. I walked overe to where Ashlee was. She put her arms around my waist, her head on my shoulder and started crying. "Shhh baby Its over now."

She looked at me with fear in her eyes "No its not Logan, we still have to deal with the pack that wants me because of my mom." I sighed and kissed her forehead, "It'll be ok, I will figure that out when we get back home" I picked her up bridal style, carried her upstairs to the room we was staying in, layed her on the bed. I stripped down to my boxers then climbed in bed. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was in a deep sleep.

Ashlee's POV

After fighting for three days I was exhausted. Logan walked to me, I put my hands around his waist and rested my head on his chest. The tears started falling out of my eyes quickly. Logan tried to sooth me but it didnt help because I know there is still the pack thats after my mom is still out there. Logan picked me up bridal style and as soon my head hit his chest my eyes closed and sleep consumed me.

Katie's POV

I was fighting an enemy wolf. He grabbed my hind leg. I yelped and fell to the ground. I was waiting for it to pounce on me but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Ashlee killing the wolf. She turned to looked at me then ran to fight when she seen the pack doctor at my side.

The doctor ask me a few questions before my eyes grew really heavy. It was so hard to keep my eyes open. Finally I was to tired to fight it any more so I let them close for the darkness to take over.

Three days later.....

I woke up in a room that looked like a hospital room. I tried to sit up but someone held me still telling me to stay still. I know that familiar voice, I could feel the sparks going through me from his touch.  Only one person does that to me. Aaron.

The doctor came in, asked me a few questions, then check my vitals and my leg. Then he said I was good but he wanted me to stay here overnight for observation. Aaron helped me sit up. I asked him, "How long was I out for?"

He looked at me like he wasnt sure if he should answer that, but he finally said "Three days"

My eyes went wide, Oh my god I was out for three days. "The fight, is it still going?" I asked.

"No we finished it earlier today, we lost about 5 from each pack but we won." He told me. I was so happy that the fight is over. All I want to do is go home to my family but it breaks my heart because Aaron is here. Maybe I can talk him into coming with me for a few days.

After Ashlee, Logan, Chris, Ashlee's dads, and Alpha Lark came to check up on me, I took a shower. When I was done Aaron was sitting on the bed. I walked over and he helped me get comfortable in the bed before he rolled the table over to me. He tooked the lid of the plate of food sitting on it. It looked so yummy. There was roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, butter bread and a glass of water.

After I ate Aaron moved the table and layed on the bed with me. I cuddled up to him and fell fast asleep.

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