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It was just another night and the moon light and the stars were shining. They were visible from the room's window. Justin was casually laying on his king size bed and thinking about several things. The room was silent, only the sound of Justin breathing in normal pattern and the ticking of clock was audible. The clock showed the time as 11:15PM.

Justin was an affluent man and had his own company. He was the CEO of the Bieber Enterprises. He had achieved a lot in his life at the age of just 24. He had a family which consisted of his mother Pattie Mallette, who was a paediatric surgeon and his big sister, Amelia who was an investment banker. According to Justin, his mother did not have to work anymore as he was able to earn that he could feed the whole country of Canada. Justin and his mother shared a good bonding and were very close to each other. Amelia and her younger brother Justin shared a good relationship as siblings. Justin's father, Jeremy had left them and re-married an another women named, Julia Woods. They all maintained a certain kind of respect for each other.

Justin is a calm and a well organized man. He could be really very stubborn sometimes and had to take decisions which could hurt other people's emotions. He could be an emotional person too. Justin had a very bad experience in his romantic relationships. He had been involved in two relationships  before and both did not end very well. His girlfriend, Sophia Marie was the one whom he was in a relationship in his teenage years but she was not loyal to him. Justin's second girlfriend named, Emma Charles was the one whom he was thinking about right now.

Emma was on Justin's mind because he did not want to do the same mistake with Charlotte, his third and his current girlfriend that he had done with Emma Charles. Charlotte and Justin are very fond of each other and love each other. Charlotte taught Justin the real meaning of life and had made him a much better person. Justin was now more lively and not always involved in work 24/7 as he was before. Charlotte and Justin were soon going to be married and were sure that they wanted to live rest of their life with each other.

Two weeks ago while Justin was coming out of the mall, he had an encounter with his ex-girlfriend Emma and was shocked. He was not ready to see but he was surely over her but not over of the fight they had. He felt terrible for that. Emma and Justin were very formal to each other and she breaks him the news that she was getting married. After hearing that news Justin was shocked but happy for her too.

Charlotte and Justin have a very amazing bond with each other. They have been together for almost 2 years.Justin loves Charlotte and can't afford to lose her. Charlotte and Justin can do anything for each other and are definitely in love with each other. Both, Justin's and Charlotte's family are happy about their relationship and support them. Charlotte is perfect for Justin and Justin is perfect for Charlotte. Both can learn from each other from the mistakes they had made in the past. They have each other's back. That's how relationships are. Right? Well in case of Charlotte and Justin, that's how relationships. Relationship's according them are where two people love each other, trust each other, give time to each other and have each other's back. Pretty good definition right?

"Justin, why aren't you still asleep?" Justin's childhood friend Ryan asked. Justin was on a trip with his childhood best friends Ryan Butler and Chaz Somers. Ryan was a part of his family business and Chaz owned a car company. The three friends wanted a break from work so they decided to go to a trip to Spain.

"Just thinking about stuff." Justin casually answered while getting up from the bed and readjusting himself to sit. Charlotte was in London for her course that's why Justin had agreed for this trip. Charlotte had encouraged Justin to go to this trip as she and Justin's mother had thought that he deserved this trip.

"Oh, Justin you have to get over the whole Emma situation. It was in the past and I know you won't commit the same mistake with Charlotte. She is very understanding and you both love each other. Dude focus on the present and not on the past." Ryan explained. Charlotte was pretty close to Justin's friends and his family. They all really bonded and everyone liked Charlotte.

"Fine but I'm just scared. What if Charlotte leaves me the same way Emma did?" Justin asked with a kind of fear in his voice. "I can't afford to lose Charlotte. I love her." Justin stated.

"Justin, she won't leave you. You love her and she loves you. So, there is no point in her leaving you. And its been 4years to the whole Emma thing and you and Charlotte are together since almost 2years. Trust me Charlotte loves you and she isn't going anywher." Ryan said trying to explain this to his friend.

"I know but this just kind of fear I have. You know my past right? I loved Emma too but she left me." Justin said with a pain in his voice. He really loved Charlotte and never wanted her to leave his side.

"Justin, you are going to get married to Charlotte for god's sake. Please don't be scared. As far as I know she will never hurt you and she loves you as much as you love her. Trust me." Ryan explained. Ryan was right, Charlotte really loved Justin and there was no way she was going to leave him. Justin meant everything to her.

"I trust you bro." Justin said with a little smile on his face. He really wanted him and Charlotte to work.

"I know. Now go to sleep because we have to leave for Canada tomorrow. Goodnight."

 Ryan said with a smile on his face and was getting up to leave Justin's room.

"Goodnight." Justin said. Ryan left Justin's room and Justin closed the lamps and drifted to sleep.


So guys this was the prologue of Flatline. This is a short story of about 3-5 Chapters. The chapters will show the mistake he made with his ex-girlfriend Emma. It is very similar to the song "Flatline". Btw I have used a different style of writing this prologue and I'm going to continue the same style in this story.

The chapters will show what happened in Justin's and Emma's relationship 4 Years Ago.

Please comment to let me know your views. I hope you guys liked the prologue.

 Twitter- @exceptedbiebers



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