Happiness...was..."SUPPOSE"...to...be...your first reaction to the world.
when you itty bitty body came into the world
And they..
That umbilical cord.
When you open your eyes and mommy is smiling and crying those happy tears.
When you...walked...those first steps.
When you...spoke...those first words.
When you...ate...your first birthday cake.
Happy moments right? maybe they were.
But if what?
What if that birthday cake never came?
Mommy and daddy wasn't there to teach those steps and words...so you just sat in your crib, alone and sad.
Now you grew up and there you are sitting......alone, wondering what happened? why did mommy and daddy not pay attention? why you had to do it all alone...why didn't you get your spark of happiness.
Remember this, "not everyone has a happy beginning, doesn't mean your ending has to be the same"