This isn't a slam poem but I think I should publish this anyway
I like looking at you on my wrist
I love the way you scar my body
Your gonna fade again...don't
I want you forever
To remind me...
Remind me of my story
Remind me of my mistakes
Remind me of how pain feels
Everyone who sees what I did thinks I'm stupid, that it's wrong.
I never thought I would be in the state to do this, never thought I would get this bad, never thought I would like it.
But it happened
I had another break
Everyone has their breaking point
What I did is beautiful and ugly
Ugly...because everyone thinks it is
Beautiful because it looks beautiful to me
No one knows what you actually go through, until they go through it themselves
You can tell them the problems but they don't truly understand
"I don't know what to tell you" is the worst sentence when I tell someone my problems, because it shows they don't care...and they aren't trying to care.So maybe cutting my wrist is stupid but when you've dealt with what I've dealt reach your breaking point