The Beginning

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(This is what your outfit looks like☺)
It was just like any day in the Creepypata household. Jeff and Jane were fighting...again, Ben was playing video games with the two Jacks, Sally was playing with Lazari, and slender man was in his office with his three proxies, Masky, Hoodie, and Toby. Yep, just a regular day, or so they thought...
"AND ANOTHER THING!!!" Jane yelled at Jeff's turned back. " YOUR STUPID MUTT DAMAGED MY FAVOURITE DRESS!!!" Jane shouted while pointing at the guilty looking Smile Dog. Jeff just chuckles and Jane glares at him. "Dick." she mutters. "Does it look like I care about your stupid dress?" Jeff asks her. "Ok guys, break it up!" Ben yells at them, "I'm getting sick and tired of having to listen to you argue all the time, and I'm pretty sure the others are too." The two Jacks nod their heads. Jeff and Jane mutter a little apology to the others, then head too their own rooms.
Slender finally came out of his office, shaking his head at his two proxies arguing. Toby was being chased around by a certain white masked man. Slender only walked into his library to read about who knows what. While he was reading, the sky turned dark, yet it was only three pm and there was no storm clouds. He sensed something wrong, something EVIL.  He only brushed aside the feeling, thinking it was nothing. Oh how wrong he was...

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