The Promise

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  "Do you really mean it?", the small girl with white wings asked the larger man. He simply chuckled and nodded  his head towards her. She started jumping around, gaining a lot of attention from the other angels. They smiled at her, her being the youngest angel in heaven. She blushed in embarrassment, but grinned at the few turned heads. They smiled back and returned to what they were doing before the distraction. "Easy my child. You will tire yourself before your training even begins.", the masculine man states. His long brown hair, white robes, and crown of thrones made him seem even more handsome. Sure, he had holes in his hands and feet, but it wasn't his fault. He was a caring man, and the people were scared because he was powerful. They were afraid. It was understandable, at least for everyone except the young girl. She couldn't figure out why those people would do something so horrid, especially to a man so kind.
~Present Time~
(Y/N) sighed, letting her arms droop to her sides. The caked blood on her face and hands was still as red as it was when it flowed freely from her 'friend's' body. ' He broke his promise.' she thought.

Fallen Angel(a Creepypastas x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now