The Transformation

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??? Pov
"You once said I'll never walk away, I'll never sail away, I'll never go." I mumbled the song, my wings wrapped around my body.
"And I was there, standing outside your door waiting for you to show me how to stay." A single tear cascaded down my pale cheek.
"I've been there before. Hoping and trying to make things right. But now I don't know." More tears fell to the green forest ground.
"Honey these arms that once held you are ready to fight!" My wings spread out behind me, their black feathers gleaming in the bright sunshine. My arms spread out in front of me as the shadows start to race to them. Covering them, they turn into black armor. My once white robes, now black as soot from a chimney. "Ready to fight!" I exclaimed. I glared up at the sky. "You once said I'll never walk away, I'll never sail away, I'll never go." The words continued to spill from my mouth. "And I was there, standing outside your door waiting for you to show me how to stay!" I started to flap my wings. I raced to the sky, my dark wings blocking the sun.  "I've been there before, Hoping and trying to make things right. But now I don't know!" I started to shout the song, hoping and praying that, that bastard would hear me. "Honey, these arms that once held you are READY TO FIGHT!" My words echoed through the sky. I noticed a bright light near me, knowing who they were. I threw a knife at my once so-called 'best friend'. "Honey, these arms that once held you are..." The knife shot through her gut, causing her to fall to the ground, dying. "Ready to fight, ready to fight." I whispered. I flew down to her body, where she was coughing up blood. I smiled a little. "Home is everywhere your heart is, I can be that home if you please walk with me, and we'll be gone, dear." I sang to her. I could tell she was trying to say something. "Home is everywhere your heart is, I can be that home if you please walk with me, and we'll be gone, dear!" I pried the knife out of her gut. "Honey, these arms that once held you are ready to fight!" I shouted as I dug the knife into her fleshy palms. She screamed in agony, to which I just laughed at. My (y/e/c) eyes flashed blood red, then back to the original color. My (short/long/medium) hair was spread out across my face like a veil. "Save me a spot in hell..." I whispered into her ear. She shuttered, than fell down dead. I laughed like a maniac. "SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD!" I screamed to the sky. I was only met with silence. I sighed, than continued on my way through the dark and forbidding forest. He will show himself soon enough, I think to myself. He has to...

Fallen Angel(a Creepypastas x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now