Black Diamond (Chapter 9)

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WHOO guyz chapter9 and 500 views this is a landmark day....if only some of those views would COMMIT AND BCOME FANS!!

im trying 2 stay true on my 1 new chapter a week thing so here's this week's chapter. i kno that theyre still in the forest, but ill prob post the next chapter between tomorrow and thursday. i was majorly set back this week because my ipod touch broke down...i was grieving tha creen is not even working, my 1 yearold sister sloobed all down im gonna buy an iphone then ill hide it from her MUHAHAHAA

NEXT CHAPTER IS GONNA B GOOD its gonna really heat up, well find out who SAkura really is. And dont assum that since they dont live on earth they dont have technology plz dont. they have it but they just dont use it, heck if u had magic powers would u? and soon ill post Xaviers TWIN BROTHER's Story. Yes he has a bro. umm no hes not evil, ull jus hav 2 wait till next week. dont forget.......BECOME FANS invite friends to do so to nd VOTE!!!! come on 3 votes i appreciate them, but really cant we do better? HAppy reading!


Xavier awoke that night. Sakura had built a fire in the time he had been asleep, which was almost 3 hours now. Xavier awoke to see Sakura sitting on her stump staring into the campfire hearth. Xavier sat up off his grass cot staring aimlessly, the only sound being the crackling of the pyre. Sakura had been busy since Xavier passed out. In the 3 hours he had been asleep Sakura had caught and barbecued a baby deer and rotisseried it with her Nova. It was crisp and seasoned.


Xavier's stomach snapped her out of her trance.

"I knew you'd be hungry when you woke up."

Sakura did the whirlwind gesture Xavier had seen her do so often in the past week. The sticks that had been on the side of Xavier's cot flew directly in front of the hearth, assembling as make-shift chairs. They reminded him of the chairs Xavier's Aunt had at her wedding in Pacifica, California in front of the beach. That seemed like ages ago, when in actuality it was only a few weeks ago.

The water inside of the small seemingly endless puddle next to Sakura's stump spurted upwards in a clear stream, directly onto the joints of the chairs. The water hardened and formed cement-hard clear stains in the joints of the chairs.

Xavier blinked to make sure his eyes still worked. Sakura was already in her chair urging him to sit in the one besides her.

*What the hell? I didn't see her move, how could she have moved twenty feet in two seconds*

"Immortal speed", she said as if reading his thoughts.

"What in the hell is an immortal? I thought you were a vampire?"

A vain twitched at Sakura's temple. "We prefer to be called Immortals or Children of the Night. Vampire is a human word that means life sucker, or death bringer. WE DON'T DO THAT" she fumed knowing that it wasn't his fault.

*Ok that wasn't weird at all*

"Have a piece" she said before biting down on the baby deer's leg.

*Poor deer....*

"Oh stop it, if you are to be a warrior then you have no place in being squeamish. Stop your driveling and man up! If you were in my tribe..." she said trailing off.

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE", Xavier said causing Sakura to sharply turn her head, her brown and silver hair flailing as she tensed, " I wasn't sure until right now, you've been in my head reading my freakin' mind haven't you?"

"Congratulations genius, you finally got it."

"The things in my head are private.... Do I have to put up a fucking sign?" Xavier shouted.

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