Chapter 1

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The entire wizarding Britain was in
chaos when the goblins announced
just that morning that the bank
would be close for the day with no
specific reason that was given. Just
that the bank would be close for
everyone. Unknown to the public
knowledge several witches and
wizards are summoned at the bank
that day.
The goblins guarding the door was
all waiting patiently and excitedly.
They all knew that today the fate of
the entire wizarding world would
change drastically. When the clock
finally chimed twelve some witches
and wizards passing by the bank was
surprised when several unknown
individuals apparated just outside
the entrance of the bank and quickly
ushered inside by the guards
waiting for them. No one could
figure out who are they as all of
them was wearing a special cloak
with hood to hide their identity
specially made and provided by the
Once inside they were allowed to
take the cloak off and all of them
was rather surprise when the
identity of their companions was
revealed. Severus scanned the room
they were in and noticed that
everyone in there was a member of
the Black family. Andromeda Tonks
nee Black together with her husband
Ted and daughter Nymphadora.
There's also Bellatrix Lestrange nee
Black with his husband Rudolphus.
Narcissa Malfoy nee Black with her
husband Lucius and her son Draco.
And ofcourse the current Lord Black,
" What's this? A family reunion?" he
commented icily then turned
towards the goblin that ushered
them here " I think you've mistaken.
I have no part in this little family
"I assure you Lord Prince, your
presence here is just as important
as anyone here. Much more
important if I may say so myself,"
replied a voice from the doorway.
Everyone turned to look at the
doorway and everyone was shocked
to find Lord Ragnok, the goblin king
himself standing there.
They all quickly bowed down and
greeted him respectfully. Afterwards
they were gestured to the seats
assigned to them infront of Lord
Ragnok's desk. Much to Severus and
Sirius annoyance they were both
seated in a small couch that their
body was almost touching when they
are sitting.
" Now that we are all settled I'm
quite certain that you were all
wondering why all of you has been
summoned here now despite the fact
that the bank has been close for
everyone today. But before we
proceed It's a must that each of you
take a certain potion so you could
fully understand what we are about
to discussed," explained the goblin
Everyone was quite wary and a bit
curious as to what and why they
need to take a certain potion. And
as expected the potion master
among the group was the one who
react first.
" What potion?" asked Severus
" It's an antidote,"
"for what?" asked the potion master
" For a mind altering potion,"
replied the gobling king stiffly that
made everyone in the room froze
from their seats.
" And what was that supposed to
mean? that everyone of us here was
dose with a mind altering potion?"
hissed the Malfoy Lord angrily.
" Unfortunately, Lord Malfoy that is
indeed correct. But Lord Black and
Lord Prince was also under the
influence of some dark and illegal
spells and potion aside from the one
already mentioned earlier," Lord
Ragnok informed them making Sirius
and Severus stared at the goblin
king in disbelief and horror.
Sirius hadn't been feeling very well
this past few days. The unusual
headache he had been suffering this
past weeks that caused him to had
little to no sleep at all. The constant
constricting of his chest that if he
didn't know any better he would
think he was having a heart attack.
And then to make the matters worst
he felt as though there is something
inside of him that wanted to be
freed. But what scared him the most
was that he was constantly looking
forward to their order meeting as it
was the only time the Potion master
comes to the headquarters or when
he was bringing Remy's potion. He
hate to admit it but Severus
presence sooths him. His presence
dampened the headache and chest
pain. And calms down that thing
inside of him that wanted to get
freed. When he felt like he was
about to explode from anger and
devastation most of the time
because of Albus Dumbledore and
Molly Weasley just one look or one
word from the potion master, Sirius
would immediately calm down and
ground his erratic magic. Not that
he let anyone noticed. He felt like
he need to hide this certain fact to
anyone. He knew something was
wrong. Something was going on.
Unaware that the potion master
beside him was also experiencing
the same as he did.
And now sitting here and finding
out that almost all of the remaining
members of the Black family was
dose with mind altering potion and
that he and Severus was as well
under the influenced of several dark
and illegal spells and potions
snapped something inside of him
and everyone was surprised when all
of a sudden he let out a painful
scream as he clutched both his head
and chest tightly at the same time.
Severus was beside him immediately
holding the screaming wizard in his
arm much to the shocked of everyone
in the room. The goblin healer
approached them intending to check
on Sirius but quickly stepped back
warily when the potion master's
menancing obsidian orb snapped
towards him promising pain if he so
much as take one more step closer to
The others hadn't even attempt to
make any sound or movement that
would turn the furious potion
master's attention to them. They
were all aware how deadly he was,
and seeing him now almost feral
they were very much certain just one
wrong move and they would be all
dead in this room in just mere
seconds. Though they were just as
curious as to what was happening.
The healer turned to looked at their
king inquiring on what he was
supposed to do.
" Lord Prince," called the goblin
king. When the attention of the
potion master was already focus to
him he continued " Lord Black needs
to be check by our healer. You do
want your mate to get better aren't
A couple of gasped was heard at the
mentioned of mate but the goblin
king's attention was solely focus on
the potion master for now.
Severus brows furrowed in confusion
as he looked down at the now
unconscious Sirius in his arms. He
really had no idea what was
happening. It was just something
deep inside him urging him to
protect and take good care of this
wizard in his arms right now. He
eyed the healer for a while deciding
if he wasn't a danger to his mate.
'mate' that word alone warmed his
heart and calm something inside
him. With one last glanced to Sirius
face he turned to Lord Ragnok and
nodded his agreement for the healer
to check on Sirius.
He gently laid Sirius on the couch
where they were sitting earlier his
head was settled on his lap as the
healer rushed towards them and
began casting spell after spell to
scan the Unconscious Black Lord.
Severus watching his every
movement and willing to act if he
sense his mate was in danger.
After a while the healer finally
stepped away from Sirius " amazing.
He was able to broke all the potion
and spells that was on him," he
whispered as he stared at Sirius in
awe and a hint of admiration that
Severus hadn't appreciated at all as
he let out an angry growl snapping
the healer out of his thoughts.
" Lord Prince, I suggest it would be
best if you take the potion now so
you could fully understand
everything that happened before
your mate woke up. He would surely
be devastated when he realized
what happened," suggested the
goblin king taking away the
protective potion master's attention
from his healer.
" I would like to know first what are
the potions and spells we're under
influence to," Severus demanded..
Lord Ragnok nodded his agreement
not at all offended by Severus action
as he took some parchment from one
of his guards. " Very well, to start
with, Lord Black. The Klironomia
syndetikó potion,
and creature supressant potion
Administer by Albus Dumbledore on
year 1980,"
Everyone jumped in surprise when
the vase and jars at the corner of
the room explode all of a sudden.
Severus clenched his fist tightly as
he took a deep breath trying to
reign his temper and magic.
" I appologize for losing control, Lord
" It's quite understable, Lord Prince.
To continue, he was also dose with
Lust and Love potion to James Potter.
Administered by James Potter
himself. As well as compulsion spell
to Hate all slytherins. Compulsion
spell to hate the black family.
Compulsion spell to hate the dark
families. Compulsion spell to hate
Severus Snape. Loyalty spell to the
light side. Loyalty spell to Albus
Dumbledore. Loyalty spell to the
House of Potter. Cast by Albus
Dumbledore and James Potter. Mate
bond binder and Memory Block cast
by Lily Potter and Albus
Dumbledore," Ragnok ended reading
grimly as he face the furious and
beyond shocked witches and wizards.
" I assume that the same had been
done to me," Severus much more
stated than asked.
" The first two potion mentioned
earlier was the same administered
by Albus Dumbledore the same year.
Love and Lust potion to Lily Potter
administered by Lady Potter herself.
Compulsion to hate gryffindor, the
Prince family, Sirius Black, Harry
Potter. Loyalty spell to the light side,
to Albus Dumbledore, Mate bond
binder,Memory Block, and a spell to
bind 70 percent of your potion
ability all cast by Dumbledore and
Lily Potter,"
Severus took Sirius' hands with his
and gently brushed the unconscious
wizard's knuckles. It didn't take a
genius to understand everything. All
of this was done to separate him and
Sirius. What he don't understand
was why? Then he caught sight of
the vial of potion that was sitting
innocently on the table. The
antidote for the memory block and
mind altering potion. Without any
hessitation he picked the potion up
then drank it in one go. The effect
was abrupt as Severus suddenly
clutched his head and chest tightly
just like Sirius earlier but he didn't
scream. He forced himself not to
until he finally passed out.
The room was filled with tense
silence as they all waited for
Severus' erratic magic to calmed
down. They had been feeling since
Lord Ragnok listed all the potions
and spells that was used to Sirius.
After a while when they were all
certain that it was finally safe to
move or talk the healer immediately
rushed towards the two unconscious
wizards at the same time Draco
asked irritably "Can someone please
tell me what the hell is going on?"
" Indeed Lord Ragnok. Will you
kindly enlighten us as to what is
really going on?" Lucius agreed with
his son not even reprimanding him
for his language in favor of getting
" All you need to do is take the
potion, Lord Malfoy," replied the
goblin king gesturing the potions on
the table.
Everyone eyed the potion
surprisingly it was Bellatrix who
picked the potion from the table
then everyone followed except for
Draco as he was still just a baby at
that time.
" Is it painful?" asked Nymphadora
eyeing the potion in her hand
" It's not painful at all. You will only
experience a mild headache and
lightheadedness. It's painful with
Lord Prince-Black because of the
inheritance and creature supressant
and mate bond binder," replied the
healer as he was done checking on
the potion master who now laid on
the transfigured bed beside Sirius.
All at once The three Black Sisters
drank the potion together with their
husbands and child. Just like with
Severus earlier the effect was instant
as they all found themselves
assaulted with waves of memories
over memories.
Afterwards they all sat in silence
contemplating their newly regained
memories. Andromeda now fully
remembered. She wasn't really
disowned as their parents fully
accept Ted despite him being a
muggleborn because he proved to
them that he is worthy to be
included in the Black Family. She as
well recalled Sirius, and Severus
getting married during the summer
after their sixth year. Then he gave
birth to a twin boys on april. And
one of them was her godson, while
the other one was Bella's.
As if on cue, Bella's anguish cry
snapped them all out of their
thoughts " my baby. Rudo, our baby
where is he?" cried Bella as her
husband held her in his arms. His
face blank but anyone who knew him
better could clearly see that he was
about ready to kill someone, anyone.
Prefferably the one who stole their
son from them.
" We will find him love, I promise. If
I had to torture all Dumbledore's
men one by one just to know where
they took him I will," swear The
Lestrange Lord sincerely.
" That won't be necessary, Lord
Lestrange. For now I mean," the
goblin king added when he saw the
dark look the Lestrange Lord was
giving him. " We know where the
current Lestrange heir was placed,"
Bellatrix immediately snapped
towards the goblin king her eyes
hopeful " where? please, where is my
baby? Tell me so I can get him now,"
she asked eagerly
" Dumbledore placed him to one of
the families that was loyal to him,
The Weasleys," replied Lord Ragnok.
" Ronald Weasley," Andromeda
stated immediately realizing who
among the Weasleys he goblin Lord
was talking about.
" Weasley," Draco choked out then
immediately raised his hand in
surrender when his aunt Bella gave
him a stern look daring him to say
anything wrong towards the red
head as she was fully aware of their
animosity at Hogwarts. " Im not
going to say anything mean, Aunt
Bella. Not now that I know he's my
cousin. But Im certain you will be
having hard time convincing him of
this. He hates all dark and
slytherin," he explained
That immediately dampened
Bellatrix' hopeful mood.
" Draco, did you really have to say
that?" reprimand Narcissa sternly.
" I'm just telling the truth, mother.
We all knew he's very close to Potter
they're practically brothers. I even
thought at times that he cared for
Potter more than his own brothers.
Do you think he would abandoned
Potter for someone Potter hated as
much as he hate the Dark lord? Aunt
Bella nearly sent Sirius Black to the
veil last year, Someone Potter
considered father figure. And if my
memory serves me right he even
crucio you for that Aunt Bella,"
explained Draco thoroughly.
Bellatrix nodded meekly as she sat
back morosely. Now that her memory
was regained she felt very ashamed
and guilty of what she had done.
She and Sirius was very close before
their memory was altered that's why
Sirius made her godmother to one of
the twins. She was devastated that
her action would likely cause her
son to not accept them.
" If that's the case Heir Malfoy there
wouldn't be any problem as same as
Heir Lestrange, his best friend Mr.
Potter was also stolen from his real
family together with his older
brothers," the goblin lord informed
" Dear merlin!" gasped Narcissa in
disbelief as she was the first to
understand what Lord Ragnok was
trying to tell them " they are Sirius
and Severus' children right?"
Lord Ragnok nodded in confirmation.
" Bloody hell!" exclaimed Draco in
shock at the same time a movement
from the make shift bed alerted
them that the two finally regained
Severus was the first to recover and
immediately got up ignoring his
throbbing head and the vial of pain
reliever potion the healer offered
him. Instead he took one from his
own pocket and gathered the now
silently crying Sirius in his arms. His
husband. Dear merlin, all this time
they were trying to kill one another
when in truth they were really
bonded mates. He coaxed Sirius to
opened his lips and drink the potion
as he whispered words of comfort to
Sirius heart was breaking. Everything
that he had believed was just a lie.
A made up memory to separate him
from his husbands, to destroy their
family. They stole their children. Oh
merlin, their children, they need to
find them immediately.
He reluctantly pulled away from the
warm of his husband's embrace. He
looked at Severus' obsidian orbs that
always seemed to made him feel
treasured and love before and was
glad that it was still the same until
now. " Sev, our children and Caius.
We need to find them," he said his
eyes filled with unshed tears
begging for his husband to do
everything in able to find them.
" Of course, love. I would move
heaven and earth just to find them.
I promise soon we will all be
together again," promise the potion
master sincerely.
" Lord Prince-Black, about your
children we would like to inform you
that we knew who and where they
are now," the goblin king informed
them quite eagerly.
Sirius and Severus immediately
perked up at that. "Really? Who?
Where are they? Can we get them
now? Are they alright? Are they
taken care of?" Sirius asked excitedly.
While Severus looked at his husband
"Of course you can get them now.
The twins lived a simple but content
life. But Im afraid your youngest
lived a very hard life since he was a
baby," Ragnok informed them sadly.
That made Sirius froze in dread and
Severus tense as pulled Sirius in his
arms once again hugging him
" Sev, our baby,"
" Don't worry. We will going to get
him, them now. We will going to love
and take good care of them from now
on," the potion master assured his
devastated husband.
He turned toward the Goblin king
and asked " who are they?"
He noticed Ragnok hesitated for a
while before answering that made
him feel wary and apprehensive and
later on found out it was for a
reason when he heard the names
the goblin king stated " Fred and
George Weasley and Harry Potter,"

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