Chapter 2

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Sirius snapped his gaze towards the
goblin king when he heard the
names that was mentioned in
shocked while Severus shut his eyes
close in despair.
Dear merlin, he had treated all his
children horribly, specially Harry.
They're going to hate him. They
would never accept him. And Gods
that thought made his heart
constrict painfully.
Sensing his husband's despair and
turmoil he cupped the potion
master's face and gave him a
leisurely tender kiss. There was
nothing arousing about it. Just soft
and gentle, full of love and
assurance. When they pulled back
he rested his forehead againts
Severus as he whispered " we will
explain everything to them. They will
Severus brushed his thumb on his
husband's cheek relishing the
feeling of being able to be close like
this to his mate once again. They
had been separated for sixteen
bloody years. And now that their
creature was finally free all they
wanted was to be united in all ways
with his mates once again. But
before that could happened they
need to take their children first.
Then find Caius afterwards.
" I believe you," muttered the potion
master placing a chaste kiss on
Sirius soft lips.
" Cissa , Andy , Bella," Sirius
suddenly exclaimed enthuciastically
as he rushed towards his cousins
that made his husband groan.
The three Black sisters happily
embraced him as they sat on the
couch close together and started
chatting amicably as they were
joined by Draco and Nymphadora.
While Lucius, Rodulphus and Ted sat
infront of Severus intending to
discussed everything to the goblin
" We should summon them here now
if you wanted them to be informed.
One of my staff would retrieve them
personally," suggested Ragnok that
caught both wizards attention. " if
you haven't realize yet, Just like the
both of you anyone who was aware of
your bonding before hadn't
remember it all now except those
that was involved. So i suggest to be
very careful in dealing with things
from now on,"
Severus nodded his agreement to
summoned their children. Though he
wanted to retrieve them himself he
doubt that they would willingly go
with him.
"How is that even possible?" asked
the Lestrange Lord in curiously.
" They used a mass memory altering
"But they must administer that to
all at the exact same time all at
once," stated the potion master.
" July 24, 1980," hinted the goblin
"That's the day Sirius gave birth to
Harry," stated Ted thoughtfully. He
quite remember that day as he was
one of the healers that assist Sirius
that day.
" our third year aniversary as well,"
said Sirius as he sat beside his
husband the other followed him
settling with their own partners. He
entwined his hand with Severus and
caressed the finger where their
bonding ring supposed to be.
Severus realizing what his husband
was thinking gave him a sad smile.
"Indeed. You had a big celebration
at that time. Almost half of the
wizarding world attended. They take
that opportunity to laced all foods
and drinks with the mind altering
potion. Then fortunately for them
you had as well gone into labor that
night so they were able to execute
their plan to destroy your family.
While you were unconscious and
Severus was sleeping beside you.
They place all the potions and spell
to the both of you. Then block your
bond and memory. They then took
the children. The Twins went to the
weasleys. And your newborn baby
went to the Potters," explained the
goblin king thoroughly.
The two wizards was speechless on
what they just heard. Then Sirius
frowned as he felt that there was
something missing in that story.
" Siri?" inquired the potion master
when he noticed his husband's
confused expression.
The Black Lord abruptly snapped his
gaze towards the goblin king when
he finally realized what it was that
was missing. " what about Caius?
What happened to him? He wasn't
mentioned in your story,"
" He arrived there. But it's too late
already. It was him againts the
entire wizarding world,"
"please don't tell me he's dead,'
Sirius begged desparately.
"He's not. But because yours and
Lord Prince' bond was already
bound. It weakens him. They were
able to bind his magic then they
cast him away from the wizarding
world. They didn't alter his memory
as they find it amusing to let him
remember everything while all of you
Sirius suddenly broke down crying
upon hearing this, while Severus
held him. He was so pale and his
eyes filled with horror and dread.
Merlin, how does Caius cope up with
everything? His magic was bind. He
was cast away from the only world he
knew. From the world where his
entire family was left destroyed and
separated. His husbands and
children no memory of him. But he
himself remembered everything.
Sirius thoughts were not far from
Severus. As he cling to Severus
crying his heart out for their
husband. Atleast he and Sev doesn't
remember everything so they don't
need to suffer the pain, the
loneliness, the heartache. But their
Caius does. He lived misserably away
from them with the full knowledge of
" Pay up, Georgie." a very familiar
voice suddenly spoke that made
every turned towards the doorway to
find Fred smug expression as he
looked at Sirius and Severus.
"How you realized that it was really
sexual frustration that those two
really felt, I would never know,"
grumbled George as he handed five
galleons to his twin's waiting hand.
Severus couldn't help but groan at
this. He didn't know if he should be
thankful that the twins hadn't
reacted badly, or to get angry that
the two had the guts to bet on
them. In the end he chose to just
stay silent much more when his
stunned husband suddenly burst
out laughing as he rushed towards
the boys. Their boys. Only two more
was missing. Their youngest Harry
and their other mate Caius. And
they're finally complete.
"Oh I really love the two of you,"
exclaimed Sirius as he happily
hugged the twin at the same time.
When Sirius' happy laughter
suddenly turned into a sobs as he
cling to the now puzzled twins.
Severus approached his husband
and pry him away from the twins
and pulled him towards the bed
they were occupying earlier.
"Siri, love. You need to calm down,"
he murmured as he brushed his
husbands tears away. "just a couple
minutes more. We just need to
explained them everything then we
can already take them and be with
them. I swear to every Gods and
deity, I would never let anyone take
our children away ever again," he
promised who heartedly
The new arrival watched the two
wizard in disbelief and shocked. The
emotions that was buzzing between
the two was overwhelming. And they
don't need to be an empath to know
how much they love each other. It
all shows in their eyes as they gaze
at each other. Full of passion,
devotion and undying love which
never in their entire life they
thought they would witness from the
" Fred? George? What the hell is
happening? A Goblin suddenly
appeared in my bedroom saying that
you both needed me then
immediately brought me here. I
didn't even manage to tell
mum,"asked Ron puzzled as he was
ushered inside the room.
" That bitch isn't your mother,"
snapped Bella angrily as her
husband held her tightly when she
tried to rushed towards Ron.
Just then the young red heads
realized their other company in the
room and draw their wand
immediately as they step back
intending to subtly walked back
towards the door but was
disappointed when they found the
door already sealed shut.
" Our mum isn't a bitch. If there's a
bitch here it was you. Whoring
yourself to you-know-who. But then
it isn't surprising as you are both
insane, heartless evil monster," spat
Ron angrily. But was taken a back
when instead of getting angry.
Bellatrix suddenly burst out crying.
" Cygnus Rowan Lestrange!
Appologize to your mother this
instant," Andromeda scolded Ron
The red heads gaped at her in
shocked and disbelief. Ron then
turned towards Sirius who was still
attached to their potion professor.
"Sirius, what the hell they are
talking about?" he asked confused
and exasperated.
" They are right, Ron. You're not
really a Weasley. The three of you
aren't," replied Sirius sadly but
" We're also a Lestrange?" the twin
asked in unison all humor gone.
" Oh no. You boy's are mine, Severus
and Caius," Sirius informed them
" No. This is just another plan of
you-know-who," Ron shook his head
in denial "She can't be my mother.
Every pureblood in the wizarding
world knew that she's infertile. And
even if she's telling the truth what
made you think that I would accept
you? After all this years you're just
telling me this now. Why?"
" Heir Lestrange, why don't we all
settle down then we'll do the
inheritance test. It would be enough
and very valid proof that they are
telling the truth and then I'll
explain the reason why everything
came out just now. I am certain
you're aware that we goblins doesn't
take part to what's going on in the
wizarding world, to your war. We
don't join either both sides,"
" I'll do it," said Fred without
hessitation. As George nodded his
"Fred, George, don't tell me you
actually believe in everything they
are saying,"
" It makes sense, Ron. We were
always wondering why mu- Molly
treated the three of us differently
than the others. They always
preffered them, favored them, all of
their things were always new while
the three of us always use hand me
downs. They humiliate us in public
then let our confidence down when
it comes to our dreams. Remember
last week when you tell mum you
want to be a healer, she berated
you, told you that you had no
chance to be a healer as your not
intelligent and your magic is so
weak. She said that when you and
Hermione got married all you should
do is stay home and take care of the
children. Then when she found out
about our shop she berate us as
well saying that our shop is just a
useless piece of junk," George ranted
Ron opened his mouth to disagree
but shut it once again when he
admitted that yes everything George
had said was true. Until now it still
hurts everytime he remember all she
had said. He was startled from his
thoughts when Bellatrix started
screaming once again.
"Let go of me, Rudo. I'll make that
woman pay. My baby isn't stupid
and most definitely not weak. He's a
black, he's much more superior than
her, how dare she humiliate and
berate him like that. If he wanted to
be a healer, then he would be. And
he would be the best in it,"
screamed Bella as she fought hard
from her husband's firm hold. When
she finally managed to free herself
she quickly ran towards the door
but before she was able to open it
she was suddenly hit by a spell on
her back and immediately fell
unconscious on the floor.
Ron turned to looked who had curse
her and was surprise to found out it
was Andromeda. "Not to worry. It
was just a sleeping spell," she
assured him. "Let her rest for now.
We will just wake her up later when
we go home. Now why don't we
continue with the inheritance test,"
Ron cast a worried glance at the
unconscious witch which he found
very confusing. But really could they
blame him? She very much defended
him. She even said he could become
a healer if he wanted to, which he
very much wanted. And she actually
believe he would be best in it. He
couldn't help the warm he felt
inside with her words. So maybe.
She was telling the truth that they
are really his real parents and he
couldn't stop himself from hoping
that it was the truth. There's only
one way to find out. Taking a deep
breath to calm his nerves he look at
the goblin king " I'll do it,"
"Wonderful," The goblin king
exclaimed as he laid a blank
parchment on the table then
handed him a silver dagger "just
three drops of your blood," he
Ron took the dagger but suddenly
let it go when his father suddenly
shouted "No. Stop. Don't touch it,"
Everyone turned and looked
questioningly at the Lestrange Lord
but he just strode towards Ron and
took his hands and saw that his
palm was now red and there's some
" You have allergic reaction to silver.
Where's your potion? Why aren't you
using gloves?" Rudolphus asked as
he took his own gloves off and put it
on the surprised red head.
" What potion?" asked Ron confused.
"You mean to tell me all this years
you aren't taking potion for your
allergy?" inquired Severus as he as
well approached the red head and
handed Ron a vial of potion "drink,"
he instructed. Ron took the vial and
drank it hessitantly and was
surprised when after a while the
inchiness was already gone.
"There's potion for our allergy?"
asked the twin in unison just as
"Of course. Aren't Poppy check you
when you were first year?"
"She did. She gave us the scan
result and we gave it to mu- Molly.
But she hadn't mentioned any
potion. And we were using silver
utensils at the Burrow so we thought
it was nothing serious," explained
"That bitch!" Sirius suddenly
shouted. "Im going to kill her,"
" To much of exposure to silver could
kill you. That's why you need to take
your potion twice a week and you
should have your salves with you
always," explained Severus as he
handed another two vial to the
twins. He too was seething inside.
Oh he would make sure those
blasted Weasley would pay and
everyone involved in this.
The three red head pale drastically.
It could kill them but no one even
bothered telling them that they
need some potion and salve for this.
This just mean that they don't really
care for them. This was enough proof
that the Weasley aren't their family.
Because if they are then they should
care for them.
Ron was the first to recover from
their emotional turmoil he took his
wand then took off the gloves on his
left hand. Afterwards he murmured
a cutting hex into his palm then
placed three drops of blood on the
parchment he then immediately
murmured something and the cut
quickly healed. He was too focus on
the glowing parchment that he
hadn't noticed the proud looked on
his father neither the surprised
looked of the others.
When the test was done the goblin
king took the parchment and began
to read it
Birthname: Cygnus Rowan
Adopted name : Ronald Billius
Weasley (illegal)
Birth date: February 28, 1979
Father's name: Rodulphus
Mother's name: Bellatrix Lestrange
nee Black
Adopted father: Arcturus Weasley
Adopted mother: Mary Ann Weasley
nee Prewette (illegal)
Andromeda Tonks nee Black
Teodore Tonks
Bartemus Crouch jr.
Lestrange Manor
Ellery Villa (france)
Serenity hall
Grey cottage
Ellery estate
Crouch manor
Block (magical core) 70 percent
Block (Familial magic) 70 percent
Block (Metamorphmagi) 100
block (Animagi) 100 percent
loyalty potion (to Albus
loyalty potion (to Weasley family)
loyalty potion ( to light family)
Love potion (To Hermione Granger)
Compulsion ( To hate Slytherins)
(to hate dark families) (to hate
Black family)
Compulsion ( to jealous to Harry
Potter's fame and money)
Wit reducer potion
Temper enhancer potion
Blood Glamour
Trust vault (access age 11 for
school expences)
Lestrange heir vault ( access age
Ellery heir vault (access 16)
Personal vault (access age 15)
vault 627 (gift from grandfather
Eller ) access -16
vault 753 ( gift from grandfather
Lestrange) access -16
vault 964 ( gift from grandfather
Black) access-16
vault 427 ( gift from Lord Orion
vault 264 ( gift from godparent
vault 112 (gift from god father

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