chapter 3

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The entire room had gone still after
king Ragnok was done reading the
result. He handed the parchment to
Cygnus for him to check it himself.
Cygnus took the parchment with
shaky hands. He knew he already
accepted the fact that he was not
really a Weasley even before he
agreed to take the inheritance test.
But to found out that he was pump
with all those potion. Made him
furious. To think that everything he
thought and believed was not really
his own. They change everything in
him starting from his physical
appearance , his beliefs, his attitude
and actions. What hurts most was
finding out that Hermione was
involved in all of this. He really
thought he was inlove with her. But
damn it just the thought of her now
made him nauseaus and furious at
the same time. He couldn't help but
think what he would be like if he
was raised by his real parents. The
he suddenly started laughing that
made everyone in the room worried
when he thought of everything he
had said to Draco Malfoy. His cousin.
Merlin he was sprouting insults to
him since they were eleven when in
truth all this time he was one of
them. They were family. After awhile
his hysterical laugh suddenly turned
into choked sobs when he couldn't
get hold of his emotions anymore.
He didn't even react when he was
pulled into embrace. Infact it made
him feel comforted, safe and love.
It's far from Molly's suffocating and
over bearing hug.
Fred and George were furious as
well. They were certain that they too
were dose with those potions and
spells. They couldn't believed that
the so called light Lord and one of
the lightest family would do
something as horrible like this. And
they said that the dark are evil. Oh
they would pay for what they did to
them and their family. They both
watched as their cousin Ron . . no,
not Ron but Cygnus broke down.
They want to go there and comfort
him but they knew that he needed
his father right now. Thank merlin
that Bellatrix was unconscious right
now but they were certain once she
woke up and she found out what
they had done to his son all hell will
break loose.
When Cygnus finally calmed down
he slowly and reluctantly pulled
away from his father's embrace he
then turned to the Goblin king.
"Is there away to undo all of the
potions and spell they'd place on
me?" he inquired determined
"Of course, heir Lestrange. There's a
ritual that will purge everything. We
can do that later after the twin took
the inheritance test,"
Cygnus nodded in agreement as he
turned towards the twin in support
and encouragement. Fred and
George did what Cygnus had done
earlier. They cut their palm using a
mild cutting hex and let three drops
of their blood on the parchment.
They watched in trepidation as
words slowly formed in the
previously blank parchment. When it
was done Ragnok began reading it.
Birthname: Caelum Aurelius Prince-
"Volturi?" the twins asked in unison.
"That's the family name of your
other father Caius," explained Sirius.
"The Royal family of the vampires?"
"Yes. We'll explain everything later,"
Adopted name: Fredrick Weasley
Father's name:
Caius Volturi (sire)
Severus Aurelius Prince (sire)
Sirius Orion Black (bearer)
Adopted Father: Arcturus Weasley
Adopted Mother: Mary Ann Weasley
nee Prewett (illegal)
Corvus Orion Prince-Black-Volturi
Adopted name (George Weasley)
Serpens Rigel Prince-Black-Volturi
Adopted Name (Harry James Potter)
"HARRY POTTER?!" the three red
head exclaimed in unison.
"Yes. Harry. He's your brother,"
The three red heads looked at each
other then they stood up at the
same time and strode towards the
"Boys where are you going?"
"We're going to get our brother from
those abusive bastard,"
"What do you mean abusive?"
Severus demanded dreadfully.
Caelum and Corvus looked away from
their parents gaze. They didn't know
if they should tell their parents or
not. Also they didn't want to betray
Harry's trust on them. But on the
other hand they are their parents. If
there's someone who could help
their brother it would be them.
Their choice was taken from them
when Cygnus suddenly spoke "You
really had no idea?"
"I knew he wasn't happy living with
Petunia but I-"
"PETUNIA?! What do you mean
Petunia?" the enrage potion master
asked. He very well knew that
horrible woman. She used to insult
and humiliate him when he was still
living at spinners end.
"Harry was place there since James
and Lily died,"
"I'm going to kill that old fool. He
told me that Harry has been living
with James Potter's squib relatives in
the muggle world not with
The potion master stated furiously
as he too strode towards the door.
"Come, Caelum, Corvus we're going
to take your brother back,"
The twins was about to follow their
father but was stopped by
Andromeda's intimidating voice.
"stop right there, Severus or do you
want to be like Bella there,"
Andromeda ordered indicating
Bella's still unconscious form.
Severus turned and glare at the said
witch "you dare stop me from taking
my son back?"
"I never said that, Severus. But if
you just stop and think for a while
you would remember that Albus had
place numerous wards around the
house where he place Harry. I'm
quite certain that one of those are
againts someone who bare the dark
mark," she said looking at him
pointedly. "the moment you step
into the property, Albus would
immediately be alerted. We want
him to stay oblivious that we already
know the truth for as long as
"Andy's right love. Why don't you
stay here with the children for the
purging while I get our son back.I'm
certain Albus doesn't have any
wards againts me in there. And
Harry would come to me willingly,"
Sirius said trying to convinced his
enrage mate.
"Fine," the potion master finally
conceded "but you're going to bring
Tonks with you,"
"Of course I will go with you cousin,"
the young auror replied to Sirius un
asked question.
"I want to come as well," Draco
interjected which surprised everyone
in the room
"He's also my cousin, mother. I want
to help. I don't have the dark mark
so I have no problem getting in.
"Very well," sighed Severus heavily.
"just be careful the three of you,"
"Don't worry, love. When we return
we would finally have all our son
"Lord Black. For added protection
when you are ready to return here
you can use this portkey. It will
bring you directly to this room," the
goblin king informed them handling
him a piece of crimson stone.
"Thank you, King Ragnok," Sirius
bowed as he took the portkey and
hide it inside his robes. They all
watched as the three of them wear
their hooded robes again and strode
out of the room.
Sirius apparated in an alley just
across number four privet drive
while Tonks side apparated Draco
with her. The young auror
immediately cast an invicibility spell
to her and Draco as Sirius did the
Draco looked around and couldn't
hide a cringe at the sight in front of
him. All the house lined in a row
looked exactly the same. Even the
front lawn and the garden are all
the same.
"Serpen live here?" asked the blonde
slytherin in disbelief.
Sirius nodded grimly. He as well
knew what the blonde slytherin was
thinking and feeling. He doesn't
hate muggles don't get him wrong
but he's not comfortable with them.
"It's oddly quiet in here,"
commented Tonks with a frown as
they strode towards the door.
"Maybe the muggles aren't here. It
would be much better so that they
couldn't tell Albus we took Harry,"
replied Sirius lightly but as soon as
he stepped right infront of the door
his body froze because his creature
was already freed he was more
sensitive with the scent and
emotions around him. So when he
was immediately assaulted with the
scent of blood and the overwhelming
emotion of despair and pain he just
throw all caution away as he kicked
the door open and ran to the stairs
toward what he knew was Harry's
A very confused and worried Tonks
and Draco immediately followed
behind both wondering what was
going on much more when they
heard Sirius' anguished scream of
Harry's name. They both stopped
dead on their track when they
reached the destroyed door of
Harry's bedroom. The scene they
found inside would certainly forever
hunt the two of them in their
They watched wide eyes in shocked
and horror. Sirius was on the floor
crying his heart out as he cradle in
his lap Harry's naked, broken and
lifeless body.

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