Chapter 5

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AN: Sorry for the long wait. Hope you like the update.

The strained silence that the disappearance of Severus and Serpen had caused was shattered by Sirius anguished scream.

Narcissa and Andromeda was immediately on his side trying to calm and comfort him and stop him from harming himself as Sirius began clawing at his chest.

Their husband and the Goblins are trying to figure out what just happened. While Draco and Tonks stared at their parents helplessly. After a while when Sirius failed to calm down Andromeda had no choice but to spell him into a deep sleep so that he won't feel the strain of being away from his mate and son once again.Narcissa and Andromeda fell into the couch both tired and exhausted at the same time worried for their Sirius, Severus and Serpen.

"We better head home for now. It would be too risky to stay here further. Dumbledore is probably aware now of Serpen's disappearance. And we also need to plan a plausible excuse for Severus and Sirius disappearance," the Malfoy patriarch decided once they were done discussing with the goblins.

" The children could be portkeyed directly from the cleansing chamber, Lord Malfoy. And the rest of you could floo directly to Malfoy manor from here presuming you are all residing there as of now so we already prepare the portkey and the floo," informed the goblin king

"That would be correct. And we thank you for your generosity. We expect to be informed immediately if you have any news regarding Severus and Serpen," Lucius demanded courteously.

"Of course, Lord Malfoy," replied the goblin not at all offended by the demand.

"I will take the portkey together with the kids," suggested Rodolphus "could you take Bella with you? I don't think it's a good idea to wake her now,"

Lucius nodded in agreement as he ushered the others to the floo helping Ted with Sirius while Narcissa and Andromeda took Bella, Tonks and Draco following behind. As soon as they arrived at the manor the adults immediately locked themselves at Lucius office after Settling Sirius, The twins and Cygnus in their room.

Draco and Tonks choose to stay with their cousins until they woke up. Draco sat on a couch beside the bed staring blankly on the fireplace while Tonks lay down beside him her head resting on Draco's lap silent tears streaming down her cheeks. Both of them hunted by the image of Serpen'smangled and lifeless body.

Draco glance at the three sleeping form on the bed and he couldn't stop that rage that bubbled inside of him at the thought of what had happened to their family. What his cousins had been through. They experience a hard life when they should have been living a happy one with their real family. He knew the twins were always ridiculed by their supposed mother for their love for pranks and jokes. Their inventions were always treated as useless and waste of time. But he knew if they had grown up with their real parents they would be very proud of them and would surely support them. Specially Sirius. And even Uncle Sev would certainly support them and would actually help them with their other potion pranks.Knowing that Cygnus wanted to be a healer was really a surprise but he admit to not really knowing a lot about him. He just knew that he love quidditch and he was brilliant in wizarding chess. But he knew that whatever he wanted that Aunt Bella and Uncle Rodolphus would surely support him just like what aunt Bella had said earlier. And Serpen, his chest clenched painfully at the thought of his now dead cousin but his depressing thoughts were interrupted by a pained groan from the bed.

Both Draco and Tonks were immediately on their feet and hovering beside the bed.It was Cygnus who regain consciousness first. " Dear Merlin, my head," he moaned as he clutched his head with both hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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