chapter 4

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Tonks was the first to recover from the horrific sight in front of them with tears streaming down her face she quickly approached Sirius who's now just staring blankly in front of them while clutching to Harry's broken body. She knew they needed to hurry as she was certain the head master place a ward here to alarm him of what's been going on in this house. She tried hard not to look at Harry's body. She didn't want to remember Harry like this she want to remember Harry as the sweet and shy kid that she always knew.

Draco followed the young auror his face was emotionless but deep inside his heart was constricting painfully. He's full of regret for all those time he antagonized Serpen and now it's already too late to make it up for him. He also felt furious to those who did this to him. He swear that he'll do everything in his power to make them pay.  He's certain that the twins and Cygnus would want to avenged Serpen's death as well not to mention Sirius and Severus. Oh dear merlin his god father would so devastated for sure he would blame himself for this as well.

His train of thoughts was interupted when he heard several pops of aparition outside before he could react Tonks suddenly grabbed his hand towards the stone she was holding then he felt the pull of the portkey and they were gone.

They landed with a loud thud in the same room at Gringgots and there the young auror finally broke down crying her heart out while clutching on Draco's robes while the young Malfoy comforted her while he too was having a hard time reigning his emotions. The adults all froze upon seeing them but Tonks anguish cries snapped them out of it and they quickly rushed towards them Narcissa pulled her son and neice towards one of the sofa. Lucius and Ted took the now catatonic Lord Black aside while Andromeda immediately wave her wand over Harry's body but immediately let go of her wand in shocked at the result of her scan.

"Oh dear Merlin! He's. . He's dead," she whispered but everybody still heard what she had said judging by the room had suddenly gone still. This wasn't what they were expecting. They knew that they would somehow patched him from some wounds or broken bones but not like this. Even the goblin's was in shocked which rarely happened.

Before anyone could react the door opened admiting Severus who went with Cygnus and the twins in the cleansing chamber.

Severus has been feeling restless since Sirius,  Draco and Tonks left to retreave their youngest son.  He had a feeling that something's wrong and that he should be with his mate and son now But he knew he couldn't for now. So instead he went with his twins and Cygnus in the cleansing chamber to made sure that nothing could go wrong. After the cleansing was successfully done he immediately went back to the meeting room anxious to see if they already return. But he was not prepared to the sight that welcomed him when he opened the door.

The first thing he noticed was his mate who was just sitting at the sofa staring blankly in front of him. Dread immediately filled his chest much more when he saw Narcissa trying to comfort Tonks and Draco who was both crying in the Malfoy matriarch's embrace. He immediately scanned the room and that's when he noticed the prone figure on the floor which was slightly hidden by Andromenda's kneeling form.

His magic immediately lashed out as he recognized who exactly was that person. With heavy steps he dreadfully approached his youngest son's body while the others immediately cast a shield to protect them from the potion master's fury. As his magic spike much more stronger when he notice his son's battered body.

Kneeling beside Serpen's body Severus carefully pick up his now lifeless son and gently settled him on his lap. He quickly took out his potion pouch then started pouring potions by potions down to Serpen's unresponsive mouth and throat then he also started applying salves to his son's exposed skin while he continued whispering the word 'sorry' as his tears streamed down his face

The others had to look away not able to see the usually composed potion master broke down like this. Though Tonks and Draco cried even harder upon seeing Severus like this. On the other hand they were quite fortunate that Cygnus and the twins aren't here to witness this. But at the same time they were concern on how to tell them that their cousin and brother are now dead as they would surely blame themselve for this.

Everyone was pulled from their own anguish and mourning  when both Serpen and Severus was both suddenly engulfed by a silvery light. Before anyone could react the light abruptly fade along with the father and son. They were all stunned at what just happen but Sirius anguish scream snapped them all to their sensens then chaos begin.


Alice, Jasper ' Rosalie ' Emette ' Edward and Bella watched the sire of their coven and Esme with a sad eyes. They all knew that both of them are being overwhelm by loneliness of not finding their mate till now after so many decades of waiting and searching. 

Even though he and Esme tried to be together at first just so they had someone to be with they knew that it wasn't working. That whatever they did there's still a big part of them that was missing. 

Alice felt bad that she couldn't see anything Of their future about their mates. Everytime she tried everything just turned black. She couldn't see anything as though something was blocking her. If vampire could just cry she knew she'd be crying now in frustration and guilt of not being able to help or even just give assurance to Carlisle and Esme that somehow someone was there waiting for them.

All of a sudden her body froze when she was pulled into a vision. She saw two human who suddenly appear out of no where in what looks like the beach in La push. The first human was lying on the sand look like a teenager. She noticed that the teen was unconscious, naked and his body was covered in blood while the other human was kneeling beside the teen holding the teen protectively while crying then her vision suddenly cut off but was immediately followed by another one. This time she saw Carlisle at the hospital he just entered one of the patients room then all of a sudden Carlisle had gone feral as he held the teenage human she had seen on her first vision then for the second time it was cut off again.

She and Edward who had certainly saw her vision as well look at each other then before any of their siblings could asked what she had seen they both bolted from their seats and rushed towards the boundery of their treaty with the shifters hoping to catched any of them their so they could informed them what Alice had seen.

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