Demon's Dinner

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Conversations became longer and more frequent as grassy plains turned to mountains. We stopped for lunch at about two, in this small town somewhere in Colorado. We had been in the car for five hours and it was nice to be able to walk around. Sam and Dean were leaning against the car talking.

Next to the dinner was a small field that I found entertainment in, before we ate. I stood still and listened to the wind. Sam leaned off of the car and started to walked over to where I was standing in the field.

He was taller than Dean and pretty well built. He was wearing a blue and green plaid shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. His brown hair was blowing in the wind as he walked. I started walking towards the men that were walking towards the door. I smiled at the two men and then looked at the ground.

Sam held the door open as we headed in to the dinner. The dinner was small and only had one other person in it. The walls were white with blue trim and the booth seats were red. Pictures of the town down the road were hanging on the wall.

Dean pulled us to a table near the door and close to the wall. He motioned for me to sit next to Sam. I crawled into the booth and sat waiting for Sam and Dean to do the same. Sam took a seat as Dean took off his worn leather jacket.

“That pie sure does smell good.” Dean said as he sat down. As soon as he did a young woman that looked to be about twenty five, came to our table.

“ Welcome to town what can I do for drinks for you guys?” She asked. I was looking at her as she handed all of us a menu. As she moved her face twisted and distorted, showing a ripped up skull. It flashed back to normal and all I saw was a young lady with short black hair. Sam glanced at me and then back at the waitress.

“ I’ll take a coke.” Sam said.

“I’ll take a water” Deans said. I looked at the menu real quick.

“I’ll take a coke”

   “ Okay I’ll right back with your drinks” She said. She smiled at Dean and then turned away. She walked behind the counter at the other end of the room and into the kitchen. I looked at my hands.

“Chris what was that about? It looks like you just saw a ghost.” Sam said. I brought my head up and looked at both Sam and Dean.

“ It wasn’t a was a demon.” I said. I made sure that no one else would hear it or see me say it.

“The waitress her face was all ripped up one second but it was fine the next. Her eyes were all black too.” Sam and Dean looked at each other. Yet another weird thing I could do, with no explanation. “ I only saw it for a second but she was not very pretty under all that.” I said.

The waitress started making her way back from the kitchen, our drinks at hand. Before she got to the table Dean grabbed the salt and poured some in his hand. He put his hand under the table and waited.

She brought our drinks and set them on the table. As she bent over Dean pour the salt in his hand on the back of her exposed neck. She jumped up and hissed as the salt burned. The trucker and the cook came running over. All of their eyes were black. They backed up a couple of steps.

 I took a giant swig of my pop and set it back down on the table. Sam and Dean were out of there seats and were standing very protectively.

“Wow very rude Dean Winchester. I would have thought that daddy's little soldier could handle himself.” The waitress said.

     “You better watch it you black eyed skank”

“Cool it Dean!”

     “ Sam how good to see you, we need to talk.” she chimed in.

“About what and why?” Sam said.

    “Information.You have some thing we want.” the Trucker said. I was still sitting in my seat and was looking at the confrontation that was going on.

“Why would we give you any information.” Dean said.

    “Well then we will have to kill you guys” The cook said. At that remark I stood up and pushed Sam out of the way.

“I have had one to many encounters with demons like your self and I am already sick and tired of you guys. So back off and we will leave, or we will kill you. I don’t know about you but I’m tired of the killing, but if I have to I will do it.” I said. I had my finger pointed at the demon in the back. I saw right through the face he had on and to what he truly looked like. The three demons backed up. I turned around and grabbed Deans coat and handed it to him. I stormed out and to the car. Sam and Dean were right behind me. I opened the back door and climbed in. When I closed the door Sam and Dean crawled in.

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