A Secret is Told

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We were at the Toreador Motel where they charge by the hour, trying once again to get off track with the book. We had just ate at a small dinner where Dean, once again failed at doing the opposite of the book. All though it was a mere mix up of the tofu burger, that he was forced to order, for the delicious bacon cheeseburger that the book said he ate and that I enjoyed eating.

The book said that we stayed at the ‘RED’ motel which is the other motel in town. Dean was frantically putting hex bags around the room so that he could go park the Impala a few blocks down. He was once again trying to avoid the path of the book. The book said that Dean drives around all day, so he is going to park her.

Sam was protesting the fact that he has to stay in the hotel room for the rest of the night.

“That's exactly what you're gonna do, okay? And no research. I don't care what you do – use the Magic Fingers or watch Casa Erotica on Pay-Per-View.” Dean reached into Sam’s bag and pulled out his computer smiling.

   “Come on man.” Sam said frowning

“It is for insurance.” Dean said beaming. I was smiling too. I felt bad leaving him here alone.

    “What are you going to do?”Sam directed his attention towards Dean.

“I’m going to go park the car. Behave yourself. No homework. Watch some porn. You two play a game. I don’t care.” Dean said and the left.

    “Well then I guess that is my cue for staying here.” I said. I stood there for i minute and thought about this. I walked over to Sam and playfully punched him in the arm.

“Okay so I don’t know about you but I’m already, ready for a drink.” I shook it off with a laugh and walked to the farthest bed and plopped myself down.


I was in the bathroom when I heard someone knocking on the motel door. I was standing in front of the mirror fixing my hair. I figured it was just Dean but then I heard Chuck voice come from the other room. I was a bit shocked that Chuck had come over so I stopped fixing my hair and walked over to the closed bathroom door and stopped so that I could listen for a second before walking out.

“You wanted to see me?” Chuck said swiftly. He was probably still standing in the doorway by the distance from the voice.

    “Yeah.” Sam paused for a second. “Thanks for coming.” I heard Chuck mumble something and then the door shut. I heard them walk a few feet away from the door and then stop.

“Um... I was just wondering how much you know. About me.” Sam asked. Was he talking about the demon blood? I stayed quiet tell I knew it was the right time to come out.

    “What do you mean?” Chuck asked. I could hear the tiniest bit of sass in his voice.

“Have you seen visions of me when I'm not with Dean?” I knew it was time to come out of the bathroom by then. I slowly opened the door and made my presence known.

    “Oh... You want to know if I know about the demon blood.” Chuck said. Sam nodded and then looked behind Chuck and straight at me.

“Chris...I had totally forgotten you were here.” He looked like a deer caught in a head light. “I can explain-” I had my arms crossed just looking at him.

    “You don’t need too she already knows.” Chuck chimed in. I looked at Chuck, who was turned around looking at me too. I looked at Sam and unfolded my arms. Sam’s shock quickly turned into a hint of rage.

“How long have you known?” I sighed and looked up at him.

    “For a while. I’m great at going unnoticed aren’t I?”  I said sarcastically to him.

“Why, didn’t you tell Dean?” He asked me.

    “It wasn’t my place to ruin something that didn’t need ruined. You guys have a good little family going on and I didn’t want to ruin that.” I told him. I looked from his hazel eyes tomy black socks. I closed my eye for just a  moment to think about what I had just said. Do I really subcontiously think that I’m not apart of there family?

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