Light Posts and Ghosts

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It was about ten at night when we rolled in to town. We had left from our motel later than expected. We had been in the car all day trying to get here. Dean didn’t tell Sam about our conversation and I was happy about that. I didn’t want anyone else to know. I had told Dean everything about that night when I was eight and about the night the demon came knocking. I also told him about the night I woke up and I was in the house. even though that was only a few days ago it felt like forever ago.

I looked out the window as we passed the sign marking the beginning of town. We were in wyoming in a small town about forty miles from the north west border.The town was small and deserted.The sidewalks were dirty and cracked. The streets were in no better shape. Main street was once covered in shops,but now the windows were all shattered. I looked at all the dark windows on main street and wondered what happened.

We pulled off of the main road and started taking the small streets to our destination. Dean pulled the impala down a gravel road. Gravel dust was flying up behind us making a small cloud. A small house came in to the view out of my window. Sam and Dean we being quiet not saying a word so I wasn’t going to say anything.

We pulled into the driveway and Dean pulled out a small piece of wrinkled paper. Dean nodded and Sam and Dean got out of the car. I opened my door and got out. Sam and Dean walked to the front of the car. I stood still and looked the house over. The house was big, probably two stories.The once white trim is dirty and cracked and the blue paint covering everything else, was chipped away.

“This is the correct address maybe he is inside.” Sam said.

We had gotten here earlier than planned I was guessing but I didn’t know. My eyes were looking over the house. It looked like it had been deserted for years. The tree in the front yard was growing tall and the wooden fence was covered in weeds.

Why did Cas pick this place? I thought. I was listening as the two men were talking about how they were going to do this. They walked past me and to the trunk. When they returned they had guns with them. Dean took his gun and put on the top of the impala. He stood in front of me and looked at me with his green eyes.

“I have seen you shoot so take this. Only use it if you have to.” he said. His voice echoed as he talked. He handed me a silver gun. I held the gun in my hand, not afraid of it. Dean walked away and I turned the gun looking at the cool carvings in the side. I looked at the gun the only light we had was one light post. I walked towards it still looking at the gun. I was standing under the light staring at it when it started flickering.

My eyes shot up from the gun. I looked at the light and watched as it went out. I turned back around and started walked over to Dean and Sam. Sam and Dean who were watching me. I got only a few feet away from them when the light flicked on. I stopped in my tracks. I turned back around and started walking towards the light post. I only got a few feet towards it  before it flicked off again. I turned around and walked away again. I was watching my feet.

I got as far as I was before the light turned back on. I stopped and looked back up at Sam and Dean. They were still watching me and Dean was laughing. A second later he dropped his gun.

“You got a problem there chuckles?” I said. I smiled and continued walking. Dean bent over and picked up the gun off the ground.

Sam clicked his shotgun into place and so did Dean. Sam handed me a flashlight and a clicked it on and then off to make sure it would work. Sam started towards the door. He was upset about something.

I started walking to catch up with him. Dean wasn’t to far behind me so I wasn’t concerned. Sam walked up to the door and checked to see if it was locked. He turned the handle and it was locked. He walked over to the window a few feet away and looked in. He walked back over to the door and pulled this small pouch out. He pulled out two small tools and a few seconds later the door opened. Sam slid them back into their spots and we headed inside.

Sam was careful as he walked. The floor was creaking and the wood was warping with each step. He was watching the floor making a path for us.

The living room was in okay shape. I took my flashlight and scanned the walls. The walls were covered it weird symbols and tags, which surprised me since no one was in town. The floor was in worse shape. There were scratch marks and burns everywhere.

I turned around to see what Dean was doing and he wasn’t there. I shined my flashlight around looking for him. I knew he came in he shut the door behind him.

“Sam. Dean is gone.” I said. Sam stopped and whipped around and I could tell he was panicking. “He was right behind me when we came in and now he is gone. Sam was looking around the room to. the only way out would have to been go past Sam.

“Dean” Sam said. He was trying to be hushed. He went to go take a step and I heard the first crack. He stopped and the floor gave out.

“Sam!” I yelled. His legs fell through the floor with a loud crash. He was falling but was still holding on. His flashlight rolled across the floor and hit a wall. Shining on to the door way. He threw his gun out of his way. I walked over and set my gun down and my flash light too. I leaned down on to my knees and reached for his hand. He had a hold with both hands and I could tell he was slipping. I grabbed one of his hands and started to pull.

“Damn it!” he said through clenched teeth. He was breathing heavily and I don’t blame him. His legs were flailing around trying to give momentum to his falling body. He reached up with his other hand and slowly pulled his way out of the hole. He had his upper body on the floor when I finally let go. I reached down and grabbed one of his feet as he tried to bring them up.

When he got his legs up he rolled over on to his back. I was still on my knees and we both were breathing hard. I stood up and walked over to the wall and picked up his flashlight. I walked back over to where Sam was laying on the floor. I picked up his gun on the way back and stood next to him.

“Thanks.” He said. He sat up and reached for the hand I had open for him. I handed him him flashlight and gun. I walked around the hole to pick up my gun and light.

“Where could he have gone? He couldn’t have gone anywhere without passing me.”Sam said. I nodded and looked at him.

“I saw a barn out back when we pulled up maybe he didn’t come in and is out there.” I said to him. He nodded and walked to the front door.

When we were outside we walked around the house and headed for the barn. The doors to the barn were open a crack. Sam headed in first, with his gun held high. I was right behind him.

When we walked in the barn was dark. My flashlight flickered off and then so did Sam’s. The room was dark so I couldn’t see anything.

“Chris!” Sam screamed. I heard a large thud and muffles. Lights flicked on and I couldn’t see anything for a second. When I finally got my eyes back, I could see the scene that laid in front of me.

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