Chapter One

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{Lullaby For The Sadist}

{Chapter One}

"One I love hurting you, two I love your pain, three let's get together and play this sin ours game, four is for the torture and five is for the shame. 'Cause every time you want it I get off on this game," I sing cheerfully and people on the streets cross, trying to avoid me. Whether it be because of my cheerful singing of a not so cheerful song, or because I'm flaunting my family colors is unbeknownst to me. I'm assuming it's because I'm so good looking they just can't bring themselves to be around me. Yep, that's totally it.

"And I can't help to smile at your pain. You wanted to play but I already won," I continue, recalling the lyrics to a Korn song clearly. I walk past more people, children watch me with fear in their eyes as they cling to their parents. I get it, this neighborhood is notorious for gang activity, the parents probably tell their children to stay away from people like me.

And with good reason.

"Golding I plant the seed inside your head right away. Watch it grow, destroying your insides. Pleading to comfort you with my sadistic ways. I watch the tears fall, I crack a smile," I hum quite loudly, watching in amusement as a pretty blond woman darts across the street after hearing my cheerful words.

"I think you're scaring the locals, boss," I don't need to look to know it's Luck, my right hand man in a way. Mostly just my fall guy and errand boy.

"Sure it isn't your face? What happened with the deal?" I demand, not allowing there to be anymore joking.

"It went without a hitch," he replies. I nod, walking a little slower so he doesn't figure out where I'm going. Well, I'm just going to my car but I don't need him to follow me either way.

"And Antonio?" I prompt. He fidgets next to me and I stop dead in my tracks. I turn on him, a glare pulling at my previously cheerful expression. I step closer to him, and he takes a step back until I grab the collar of his shirt. "And Antonio?" I growl out, my face inches away from his.

"He wasn't where we thought he was, I swear. We thought he would be with them but he wasn't," he replies with a bit of a shake to his voice. Though being him he stands strong and looks me right in the eye. I sigh, pushing him away roughly as my eyes fall from him before I turn on the ball of my foot and continue down the empty street.

I don't even have to look to know Luck followed me, it's what he does. It's what I did. We follow, we have to. Except I'm hard wired to follow, to obey commands. That's just who I am, I obey, follow. Luck isn't like that, submission doesn't come easy to him. He fights to keep himself in check constantly, to obey, submit. I have to fight to keep him in check because sometimes he just can't keep doing it himself. And to me no less.

I banish those thoughts as my eyes land on a gang of six burly men fully decked out in leather. They're all walking as if they own the place, their muscles bulging from the black leather. It's at this moment I want to make an inappropriate joke about them being bears, but I stop myself when I remember just who I'm with. So instead I hold my tongue and continue walking.

Now I'll admit, I look like a twig; I'd be the perfect, stereotypical twink if I were more flamboyant. So it's no surprise that these men are sizing me up, along with Luck who looks like he couldn't take more than two guys at once. Their eyes sparkle with mischievous, eyeing us like they intend to attack us.

Oh how stupid.

"You wanted to play but I already won," I mumble in amusement as we near the group of six men. They tense up, though I continue on as I would if they weren't coming. I pass first, or begin to pass but the leader of the group grabs my arm in his large one tightly, cutting off circulation to my arm as pain pierces through it. I only smirk up at him, taking in his beady eyes and crooked nose.

Lullaby For The Sadist {ManxMan} {Radish Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now