Chapter Five

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{Chapter Five}

"Look away, mi mijo," Mom whispers to me right before the door flies open. Five large men push into the house and all ten eyes stare at my mother.

"Camilia! Where is your husband?" The larger man, the leader of our family; my best friend Andre's father demands.

"I don't know, Castro." She replies strongly, keeping me behind her.

"Perra mentirosa! Yes you do! You tell me now, woman," he sneers at my mother, his black eyes full of rage.

"Please, I'm not lying." She replies. He doesn't seem to like her answer because he closes the gap between them and backhands her, the loud crack echoes in my ears and she falls to the floor.

"Mama!" I cry and move to help her but Castro turns his fiery eyes to me.

"You will stay right there, Isaiah, or else you will be shown no mercy and will be shunned by your family." He growls at me, calling me by a nickname of sorts. I bite my lip and my eyes water as I glance back at my mama. I don't want her to be hurt, but I love my family. They're my family. I look away from my mother, as she earlier ordered, and take a few steps away from her.

"Good boy," Castro praises, his voice holding a lighter tone. Then it morphs into fury once more as he glares down at my mom.

"You better inform me when he makes his appearance," he sneers at her before spitting on her and turning on his heel to rush out of the house. The other four men follow close behind him, the last one out slams the door, shaking our small house.

"Isaias," my mother whispers, still on the ground. I look from the closed door to my mother and bite my lip before I hesitantly walk over to her, my small six year old frame shaking.

"Yes, mama?" I whisper as I kneel down next to her shaking body.

"Te amo, mi bebe," she says just as quietly, though it doesn't hide the shake in her voice.

"I love you too, mama," I reply. She finally pushes herself up and wipes her face of the assaulting substance Castro left. Her eyes are shimmering with unshed tears,but she picks me up nonetheless and walks me to our bedroom.

"We're going to sleep, now, Isaias, and tomorrow we'll go to the park. Si?" She explains and I nod quickly. She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. She places me on my bed and pulls up the blanket to my neck. She tucks me in and drops a kiss on my forehead.

"Sleep now, bebe. The night has passed, and tomorrow is a new day. Always remember, angels are watching over you, mijo, always. Even when you feel the loneliest," she whispers, a tear falling down her cheek. I smile childishly and reach up to wipe her tear.

"I don't need angels to watch over me, I have you and papa," I explain. She nods, another tear falling before she steps back.

"Goodnight, mijo. Sleep," she murmurs as she goes to the wall next the door and turns out the light.

"Goodnight, mama," I say between a yawn and close my eyes to sleep.

"Wake up!" A voice calls.

"Hey, wake up!" A new voice cuts through my unconscious state and my eyes fly open, alarmed that I don't know the voice. I almost lean over for my gun but pause when I remember it's Angel.

"Hehe, Angel is watching over me," I muse sleepily, recalling that dream, or rather memory. He gives me a weird look before it turns into his usual glare.

Lullaby For The Sadist {ManxMan} {Radish Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now