Chapter Fourteen

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{Chapter Fourteen}

I snap back to reality and train my eyes on Angel who is glaring at me.

"You don't even have to do anything, you know there are people who don't take part, they're there for back up. I can make sure you won't have to do anything. Angel, this is the only way. I can't leave, and I can't have this mysterious friend I spend all this time with. They'll find out." I say.

"I know. I know. I just... dammit, why couldn't you be some rich prick with daddy's money? No, you had to be a rich prick with blood money." He mutters.

My veins heat with the frustration; if it weren't for Andre leaving, I wouldn't have to worry about this. No, everyone knows Andre left because he was gay, no one would ever bring it up. They know if they did, it would be the last thing to leave their lips. Yet, Angel grew up in this, why can't he see this is the only way?

"You know this is the only way." We both hear my unspoken words, it's the only way to keep us both alive.

"You do realize I just got the shit beat out of me, getting beat in right now? Not the brightest idea."

I know he's right, as always. I can't beat him in when he's already suffering fractured limbs and probably internal bleeding. If I wait they're going to get suspicious, though.


"When you get out of the hospital. You won't be beat quite as horribly, though. No broken bones." I say with a playful tone. He doesn't look amused, but sighs.

"Fine. Fuck, you're a pain in my ass." I brighten at this but he continues. "I'm not having any part of that shit. I'm not selling anything, not buying shit, none of that. I'm under the radar and unless something horrible happens, I'm not to be bothered. And by horrible I mean everyone is dying and we're under attack by aliens or cops."

Just that small statement of 'we're' gives me hope. I can't counter this, he has every right to choose not to partake. No one is going to be suspicious of it either. He's the son of our late enemy, there are still people who would love to hurt him, so no one will question his motives. It's perfect.

"That's completely fine, when are you being released?"

"Tomorrow, or the day after. They have to make sure I'm stable. I am now but they're worried my body may still fail and go into a coma." I don't like the sound of that, but I don't comment on it. I don't need him to see just how worried I am about this; him being in the hospital and having to be beat in.

Instead I just nod and sit on the edge of the small hospital bed next to him. I reach up and cup his face with my hands. I run my finger over his cheek, feeling his stubble against my fingertips, the warmth of his skin radiating into mine. God, this man could ask me to jump off a cliff and I would do it without a second thought.

He's perfect.

"Have I told you I'm glad you're okay? You have no idea how worried I was when I came here at first." I say. I run my fingers down his jawline, caressing his plump lips with my finger. He averts his eyes and shifts slightly on the bed. The heart monitor beeps a bit faster and I smirk at that.

"Shut up," he mutters. I lean down and press my lips softly against his. I savor the relief that's still flooding through me after the worry of him being severely injured, if not on his death bed.

"Angel," I pull away and look into his eyes.

"Don't." He warns.


"Don't say it unless you truly mean it. Don't say it because you think it will make me happy or feel better, say it because it's the truth."

"I'd say some sappy shit to make this sweeter but I took a few vicodins before I came here and I'm a bit high so I can't think of much. So I'll just say it, because it is the truth, and I want you to know. I love you, Angel. I'm glad your ass dented my hood." His cheeks color red in frustration while he facepalms and scrubs his hand down his face.

Lullaby For The Sadist {ManxMan} {Radish Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now