Chapter Fifteen

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{Chapter Fifteen}

"Isaiah, what are we doing here?" Angel asks. I don't answer but instead, I admire the golden leaves falling from the tall oak trees. The smell of wet pavement from the recent rain and freshly mowed grass fills the chilly air.

"That isn't important. What's important is that for the first time in a year, we can finally do this," I pull him into a chaste kiss before I continue. "Without looking over our shoulders first."

Angel gives me a worried look and it makes my heart tighten for a moment with guilt. I reach my hand up and cup his face, running my thumb over his forever scarred top lip. When all his wounds healed from the attack by his father, and me, he was left with quite a few scars. This one on his lip being among them. It's not noticeable unless you look close, but when he smiles, it's easy to tell it's there.

I take his hand and lead him away from the beautiful park to the other side of the street where houses begin in the cul-de-sac. Children are laughing and playing around the neighborhood, birds chirping, people having barbecues to start off the weekend.

"Seriously, why are we here? There's no reason for us to be here, it's kind of creepy." Angel says. He glances around wearily as if one of these happy families are suddenly going to turn and pull a knife on us.

"You'll see." I continue walking with him in tow, while he continues to assess the people around us. I stop in front of a small house, noticeably a bit smaller than the rest in the neighborhood but still a beautiful house. A lush green lawn in front, a fence that prevents intruders from going into the backyard. The house is a light gray like a majority of the other houses, with white trim.

"Is this some sort of drug deal? Because I swear to God, Isaiah, if it is." Angel doesn't finish the sentence, he probably doesn't have a good threat and he knows it. I reach into my pockets and pull my key ring out that has the key and clicker for my car on it. I walk up the cement path with Angel cautiously following.

"We're not staying long, we're not going in, actually. I have something to take care of in the park, but I wanted to tell you this here." I say. I don't look at him, instead I opt to keep my eyes on the white painted metal door.

"Isaiah..." I bite my lip and finally turn to him while I fidget with the key ring in my hands.

"Here," I toss my keys at him, he barely catches them then looks up at me with furrowed brows.

"Do you want me to take the car and come back later?" He asks.

"No. I want you to keep them."

"I don't understand."

"I want you to keep a good distance from the park, at least on the other side of the street, no matter what happens. I want you to know I love you."

"Isaiah, you're scaring me," Angel warns. His eyes are filling with confused tears and it makes this that much harder. I just want to pull him into me and tell him everything will be okay.

"I paid your tuition out, your college is completely paid for. My car is in your name, it belongs to you, the pink slip and insurance are in your name, the insurance is also paid for the next four years. I wrote down two numbers on a paper that's with the pink slip for the car, if you ever need anything, even if it's just someone to talk to, call them. They're my best friends and good people." I pause as I remember my visit with Andre and Celeste.

"What are you doing here, Isaiah? It's three o' clock in the fuckin' morning. I just got off work an hour ago and I have another night shift tomorrow." Andre says. Despite his complaining, I can tell he's curious.

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