Chapter Ten

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{Chapter Ten}

It doesn't last more than a second, and no more than a peck, but that second felt nice. I could taste the coconut of his chapstick, feel the warmth of his lips. In turn I offer a cocky smile when he pulls away, rubbing his side where the break lever was pushing into him.

"What?" he demands.

"You like me, humor me, how long have you liked me?" I question. He bristles, scoffing at my question.

"I don't like you, I just don't hate you."

"Oh, Ángel, you're anything but an angel, aren't you?"

"Shut it. Now, listen. I don't have any desire to become part of your family, but I'll help you." I stare him, flicking my tongue over my dry lips as I assess the situation.

Finally, I ask the obvious question. "Why?"

"Because I hate Yerial, and wouldn't mind seeing him go down. And just between you and me, I kind of grew fond of you... your persistence is endearing."

"I don't trust you." I point out. He quirks his lips into a small, knowing grin.

"Of course not, that's why I'm willing to tell you that you have a rat in your family. You seem to have a lot of disobedience, maybe you should work on that, too." He comments. I stare at him for a long time, watching his face, his breathing, any movement, in order to interpret his body language. Is he lying? Cassie was a traitor after all, what's stopping everyone else?

I'm not as hard on them as Andre, and even that apparently wasn't enough. Whoever it is, I need to figure it out, fast.

"That wasn't the helpful information. Yerial knows about a deal happening tonight, over by the high school. He's planning a raid, no one is getting out alive." He explains carefully, as if afraid I may lash out...again.

That's the last thing on my mind right now, though. That deal is being done by Luck, in a little less than two hours.

"Shit, I need to leave." I mutter, grabbing my phone and sending a message to Luck to change the location. Unfortunately the stupid kid doesn't use his phone unless he needs to, and even then he doesn't like to.

"Don't worry about me, I can walk. We're not too far from the university. Since you know my schedule, you know when to come pick me up tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow," he pauses, glancing me over, his eyes hovering on my injured face. "Preferably not with any new injuries."

"Ha, injuries are in the job description." I state with a lopsided grin. His eyes roll and we're silent for a moment, neither of us knowing exactly what to say, or rather do. He gets out of the car a second later with an awkward smile.

"See you tomorrow," with that he leaves, and also leaves the unspoken term of endearment I could see in his eyes, off his sentence. I watch him walk away with this confidence I have to admire, as if nothing could stand in his way. I pull out of the park, heading towards the meeting place Luck will be at.

The whole drive I can't stop thinking about Angel. His overwhelming sense of confidence, a sense of self. As if he has everything figured out, and is afraid of nothing. I envy that. I'm not a good person, but lord knows I never got to choose anything in my life.

From the time I was born, I was destined to be Andre's shadow, his right hand man. I learned to stab someone before I learned to write, I only learned basic math to sling drugs. Even school was never the experience everyone else, including Andre, had. I was merely in school because Andre was, and so I could conveniently sell to the dumb teenagers.

I was never even asked if I wanted to become the leader of this family, I was just the most convenient option, because no one would understand, nonetheless aide, the treasonous plan to leave the family Andre had.

Lullaby For The Sadist {ManxMan} {Radish Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now